Bb bug?

I’m curious if anyone else had this issue? When I’m a bb in game probably for about the first 10 years of my life, I have issues picking up items. I just reported this bug in game, but curious if anyone else has encountered this problem. I use an iPhone 13. Thanks guys :slight_smile:

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What kind of issues on what items?

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Anything really. If I click on a tree to pick up branches it won’t let me or if I click on a berry bush I can’t pick up berries. What I’ve noticed after playing a few more times today, is it seems to happen if my food meter gets too low and starts to beep. When that happens I can’t pick up or drop things I’m holding. I hope this makes sense

sometimes i have this issue when my internet/wifi connection is bad or the latency of the server.

here is a forum post about latency: Latency

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Thank you! I’ll definitely check that out! :slight_smile:

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Ah, if it had to do with the ping of the server. The ping isn’t the issue for me. I always play on US-2

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thats weird :thinking: maybe @Christoffer can help?

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Thank you for all of your help @Maengish! You rock! :heart:

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Also when you’re young, even after turning 3, you can’t use the horse cart, bow and arrow, cloth backpack, torch, knife, and the wheelbarrow with metal handlebars (I forget if that’s what it’s called because there is also a wood cart with one wheel which might also be called a wheelbarrow).


That’s weird. I haven’t heard anyone else with that problem. A connectivity issue could cause the problem, but there would be no reason for it to happen only when you are young. As Yumyum says, a child can’t pick up all items in the game, but berries are certainly allowed.


Yes, I know about items that I can’t pick up. The items I listed above are items that I can pick up after the age of 3. When this glitch happens to me, it effects literally anything that I can pick up. So like, if I walk up to a banana tree to get a banana, I can’t pick it up. If I try to pick up a round stone I can’t pick it up. Or if I have something in my hands prior to my food meter going off, I can’t drop it. For example if I have a basket with 3 berries in it, and my food meter beeps, I can not place the basket down. I have to try to place thing or try to pick things up a ton of times. Even then sometimes it will work, sometimes it won’t.

Thanks so much @Christoffer. I have a screen recording app on my phone. I can try to get a video of it happening in action. :slight_smile: I really appreciate all of you trying to help me.


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