My suggetions :)

안녕하세용! 저는 유아홉을 열심히 즐기고 있는 유저입니다. 몇달간 플레이 하면서 이랬으면 좋겠다 싶은 것들을 공유하고 싶어서 한번 적어봤습니다. ^_−☆
Hi, I’m a Korean user who enjoying this game so much. There’re some ideas that I came up with while my couple months of playing so I thought it would be great to share them here. ^_−☆
① 상의와 앞치마 동시 착용 Wear a top and apron at the same time
: 인게임의 많은 옷들을 입고 싶어도, 실제 게임에서 주머니가 필요하다보니 앞치마를 착용하는 경우가 많죠. 그래서 상의 위에 앞치마를 착용하는 것은 어떨까 생각했어요. 맨몸에 앞치마만 걸치는 건 좀 이상하기도 하고…ㅋㅋ
Even if I want to wear various top in game, it’s so hard to give up wearing an apron because of its pocket. So I thought what if we can wear an apron on a top. In addition, it’s not normal that wearing an apron on the bear body…lol

(Santa top w/ apron)

② 옷 기능 추가 Add functions to some clothes
: 몇몇 옷들에 어울릴만한 기능을 추가하는것도 재밌을 것 같아요. 예를 들어 곰가죽 풀셋을 입으면 곰에게 공격을받지 않아 사냥에 용의하다던가, 물개코트는 빙하지대에서 빠르게 달린다던가, 요리사모자와 앞치마를 동시착용하면 배가 천천히 고프다던가…
I thought it would be fun to add some suited functions to some clothes. For example, wearing full set of bear clothes prevent the person from attacking by bears, or wearing a seal coat makes the person run faster in the glacier zone, or wearing cook hat and apron at the same time makes the person hunger slowly.

③ 알파벳 처분하기 Dispose useless alphabet letters
: 모르고 잘못 만든 알파벳… 처분방법이 없어 자리를 차지합니다ㅠㅠ 이거 도끼로 뿌셔서 장작되게 해주세요…
I want to make alphabet letters into kindling… I miscreated some letters and they’re taking spaces…

(no use for Z letter…(´-`))

④ 표지판에 종이 붙이기 Stick a paper on a sign board
: 글 쓴 종이를 표지판에 븥일 수 있게 해주세요! 영어가 아닌 다른 언어도 표지판에 쓸 수 있고, 더 긴 문장을 쓸 수있어서 좋을 것 같아요…
It would be great to stick a written paper on a sign board! So that people can write non-english languages on a board and also longer sentences.

(maybe like this?)

⑤ 펭귄 상호작용 Penguin interaction
: 펭귄에 대한 상호작용이 생겼으면 좋겠어요. 예를 들어 물개처럼 펭귄가죽으로 모자를 만든다던가…(잔인하지만 게임이니께…)
Want some interaction with penguins. Maybe making a penguin hat with its skin like seals. ( I know it’s cruel sry…but it’s gonna be cute…!)

(I made 2 types of penguin hat. so CUTE…!!)

⑥ 모자, 무플론 가죽 처분 Dispose mouflon skins and hats
: 산타에게 받은 모자는 쌓여가는데… 이걸 어디에 놔야할지… 모자를 불에 태우거나 구덩이에 버릴 수 있게 해주세요!! 그리고 늑대가죽처럼 무플론 가죽이 시간이 지나면 썩게 되면 좋겠어용…
Thankfully Santa gave me so many hats but now I don’t know what to do with them… So please make hats burnable or can be throwed out into small trash pit. Also, it would be nice if mouflon skins will rot automatically like wolf skins.

⑦ 뉴커먼 톱에 횃불로 불 붙이기 / 곰굴 광산에 나무막대기로 불 붙이기 Torching a newcomen saw with a torch / Torching gunpowder in mine with firebrand
: 뉴커먼 중에 톱만 유일하게 횃불 못 쓰는건 와이?
Only newcomen saw( Am I right in English?) cannot be torched by a torch. Don’t know why with this inconvenience…

⑧ 아연 무더기에서 집게로 들기 pick a piece of zinc with wooden tongs from zinc pile
: 아연은 가공 전 뜨거운 석탄에 한번 구워야 하는데 무더기에서 바로 집게를 못써서 불편해용…뀨
Zincs must be heated in hot coals before processing with Newcomen. So it’s quite inconvenient that I can’t pick a zinc with tongs from zinc pile directly…
이상이고요, 게임 개발이 힘들고 시간 걸리는거 이해해요. 재밌는 게임 제공해줘서 고맙고 여유가 된다면 업데이트때 제 제안을 고려해 주시면 감사할것 같네요. 그럼 뱌뱌( ◠‿◠ )
So it’s been my suggestions. And to developers, I understand it takes so much time and efforts to develop a game. Thanks for providing this game! It would be wonderful if one of my suggestions(my priorities are ① and ④) will be considered at next update. Thanks for reading byebye( ◠‿◠ )


i like your ideas :slight_smile: espacially number 4. i think its a good idea to make kinda like a bulletin board and have some sticky notes there. also they wouldn’t take that much space. for now you need like one tile for 1 note or one box for 4 notes.

also idea number 1 i like a lot. it’s always weird to look at the apron without anything underneath it.


This bugged me for so long lol, I’ll see if it’s possible to change.

Will have to think about this one, might be used by griefers

That might be too griefer friendly

Will report this

Will see of this can be in the next update.

Thanks for all the suggestions and hope you have a nice day :heart:


oops sorry I didn’t consider the griefers…
now I understand why… thanks for feedbacks!
and have a nice one too❤️


Yes number 7!!! It’s so annoying and i think its a bug? So inconvenient and doesn’t make any sense :confused:


Aww wish no.4 would be added in the game, too😍 i’ve though once that i wanted to have a specific room for leaving notes n communicating with my friend… so I prepared boxes and made a sign saying “leave messages”… lol the board with notes is pretty good idea!

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Penguin hats would be so amazing i don’t understand how to do with penguins they just make ice holes like it would be cool of u can make hats :heart_eyes_cat:out of penguins

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@Dayoung Thanks for your suggestions. I have picked out four that I wish to do for the next release, so hope you look forward to it :wink:


Oh thank you! Can’t wait to see next update🥺

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You can download it now. And read about it here: Update 2.20.0 / アップデートバージョン2.20.0

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Thanks for your efforts🥺 yayyyyyyy!!!

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