Poll /アンケート

  1. Do you think the number of players have been reducing since the last 2 updates?
  • Yes/ はい
  • No / いいえ

0 voters

  1. If yes ,what do you think is the reason?
  • Little to no update/ アプデートが少ないから
  • Reset marathon/レセマラ
  • Griefers/ 荒らし

0 voters

  1. For now which is the feature that you want to solve most ?
  • Less to no update/ アプデートが少ない
  • Reset Marathon/ レセマラ
  • Griefers/ 荒らし

0 voters

  1. Are you thinking about quitting soon or is there any of your friend who quit already ?
  • Yes / はい
  • Yes if no update or something done / はい 改善しないなら
  • No but I had friends that quit already /ないがやめた友達があった
  • No/ いいえ

0 voters

  1. How long do you think is the maximum time needed for an update so you won’t get bored?
  • 1 week / 一週間
  • 2 weeks / 二週間
  • 1 month / 一か月
  • 2 months/ 二カ月

0 voters

  1. What do think about the content this time ?
  • Fantastic / 素晴らしい
  • Good but too little and insignificant/ 良いが内容は足りない
  • This update is not needed /このアプデートはいらない

0 voters

  1. What type of update are you waiting for next time ?
  • New food or plant / 新しい食べ物 植物
  • New animals / 新しい動物
  • New things to do / 新しいやること
  • New things to built like engine / 新しい作れる難しいもの 例えば、エンジン
  • Small improve to game experience like stacking more thing / ゲームの経験の改善 例えば、物を重ねることなど
  • New mechanism/新しいゲーム要素

0 voters

  1. Do you think many people know or use You Are Hope forum?
  • Yes / はい
  • No / いいえ

0 voters

  1. Do you prefer one hour one life more or you are hope ?
    One hour one life と you are hope , どちが好き?
  • One hour one life
  • You are hope
  • I like the graphics in you are hope but I like the constant update in one hour one life. You are hope の画像が好きが, one hour one lifeの時の止まらないアプデートが好き

0 voters

Answer honestly ok . 素直に答えてください。




Yes, by a lot.

It would be nice to see the population jump back up. I really enjoyed this game when there were large families and everyone worked together to build the settlements they wanted to see. Lately, though, you’re more likely to spawn as an eve, have maybe 2-3 children who all die off before the age of 6, and you’re left with a small camp that can never really flourish because you don’t have enough people to do all of the tasks that need to be done. It does make the game a little less playable :pensive:

1 Like

@Christoffer Just wondering when will be the next update or if dd is facing some problem internally . The number of Japanese players have been decreasing tremendously. Last time , most server is nearly full or at least half full . Now , it is like 20 over mostly .


Thanks for posting the poll. It’s interesting to see how people vote.

The player count has indeed declined a bit, but the peak in Japan is still over 600 concurrent players every day. I saw over 1000 concurrent players last weekend (excluding China, which is separate). We obviously want even more players, but it’s not like there’s a deep crisis in Japan (it’s more worrying in Europe and America).

Regarding your question about Dual Decade problems, I feel I have been open about the situation already in other posts on this forum:

I should perhaps also clarify that some (but not all) of the tasks we are working on are long-term ones, which can’t be delivered on a weekly basis. Examples are a new type of characters that we are experimenting with, and of course the long-awaited private servers. These are things that we won’t throw in in a half-finished state. Our release philosophy differs from that of OHOL in this regard (in OHOL you see a lot of change quickly, some of which is unfinished and has to be remade/fixed shortly after. A lot of OHOL players are unhappy about that approach and we will avoid it).

This particular week we expect to deliver an update that’s mostly about improving some storage options and introducing Rice as a new food you can grow. Next week the Private Servers will show up.

There is a lot going on, so it will be worth sticking around and see what will happen in You Are Hope.


Wait, what?

Are you really sure that you released new contents Completely finished state?
How about new background graphics? How about male character? You fixed them shortly after. Didn’t you?Are these contents Really finished? I don’t think so. And the ramen update is also unfinished. We can’t take water out of crock. Boiling egg makes hot coal per permanent.
These are completely finished?I don’t think so.

@IamHope There are many states between “half-finished” which I wrote, and “Completely finished” which you wrote. Please avoid putting words in my mouth :wink:
Other than that, you may be right. And these are very small things, with the exception of the backgrounds. All the more reason not to push out big changes until they are well tested, don’t you agree?



Sorry, I had misunderstand.
You didn’t release contents half-finished state. They were almost finished. But they still have some small issues! I want you to fix them soon😕

Oh wow didnt realise a one time 5 dollar purchase made it so acceptable to be so snarky and self entitled.

Oi chris i worked half an hour to buy this game thats been keeping me entertained for several months. Just cause most 60+ dollar games cant do that doesnt mean yours can have slightly ugly characters in it that were redrawn in a timely manner after customer feedback or slight oversights that dont affect gameplay in a massive way. Gosh darn golly wee what kinda person wouldnt be upset over such a trivial concept as that??

Lol anyways on a serious note the only thing id actually consider a detriment in yah content is that when you take a peace lilly seed from the bush the bush never despawns so it gets in the way of building.




Shhhh… 現実を隠しべき。


No worries, @IamHope . I do appreciate feedback. I started a thread to track small changes and one of the items you pointed out is already in there: https://forum.onehouronelife.app/t/small-tweaks-for-next-release/4824