バイオームと生き物の仕様について確認 (confirm biomes and creatures specification)

Recently, I sometimes see those below

  • mosquitoes were in the green land tile.
  • wolf were in the yellow prairies tile.
  • sapling where in the tundra tile.
  • gold vein were outside of the tundra tile.
  • penguin were outside of the tundra tile.

But it is not written on the wiki that mosquitoes exceed biome.
Is it a specification? Is it a bug?


Mosquitoes are found in the jungle. If encountered, they will inflict the player with Yellow Fever which cannot be cured, but will disappear after 35 seconds. Yellow fever increases your temperature and reduces the hunger bar to 30% of its maximum. See the Medical Treatment page for strategies to survive yellow fever.


Mosquitoes are animals which spawn in the jungle biome. If encountered, they will inflict the player with Yellow Fever which cannot be cured, but will disappear after 35 seconds. Yellow fever increases your temperature and reduces the hunger bar to 30% its maximum. Multiple bites from a mosquito swarm will restart the period of sickness, and may cause death via the mosquitos themselves (rather than the Yellow Fever).

Currently, mosquitoes cannot be killed but can be trapped using buildings or avoided like any other animal.



  • 蚊が草原タイルに居ました
  • 狼が牧草地タイルに居ました
  • くしがツンドラに生えていました
  • 金鉱脈がツンドラ以外にありました
  • ペンギンがツンドラ以外に居ました


God does not seem to care about fine things.


JSON was only the author of the PC version.



I don’t think it’s a bug.

but, Onetech is written only as being born in the jungle.
and wiki too.

onetech and wiki are too old ?

I think originally it was a bug, but since jason ignores it its just kinda became a feature.

Although there is no influence on game play, I want to have it clear whether it is a specification or a bug as an official message.

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If DualDecade creates third party official pages and wikis, they should be OHOL mobile specifications. Since the original is Public Domain, there is no limit to modifying existing PC version specifications, isn’t it ?

At the beginning of a server creation. Every single biom work as intended. Moskitos in jungles, rabits in sabana, snakes in desserts, etc. ■■■ the server gets old, it start to migrate the bioms, making the land new and unique. That is why you will see little patches of a biom, been overlap by another one. Maybe they haven’t increased the time that this is supposed to happen, but in Jason original game, it takes a wile.

I still think mosquitos should just be in the jungle as it is intended. Mosquitoes have been a “big annoyance “ since they are introduced. Other prey like snake and pig can be killed but these little things called mosquitoes can’t be . The very least the developer can do is not make them live on other biomas as you know , life was peaceful on other biomas before jungle was introduced so why not now too. :sweat: Jungle is everywhere so it kinda like affect us a lot and also reduce the mood to build road as everyone will get sick.

I see.

There is two issues.

  1. Biomass is generated from wrong land.
  2. Mosquito seems to be beyond biome.

About No.1 Biomass is generated from wrong land.

you said:

At the beginning of a server creation. ■■■ the server gets old, it start to migrate the bioms, making the land new and unique. That is why you will see little patches of a biom, been overlap by another one. Maybe they haven’t increased the time that this is supposed to happen, …

Is my recognition correct ?

Objects that move by themselves will not be erased at same timing when regenerating the map, so that look like be born out of the wrong land.

What is the reason why objects that do not move by themselves are generated on the wrong land? Are these also not erased when regenerating the map? (except Ice Hole.)




About No.2 Mosquito seems to be beyond biome.

Is my recognition correct?

The mosquitoes are not move beyond biome, but are left behind in the newly generated map.

Still, it is recognized that mosquitoes move beyond biome in the Japanese community.

This recognition is wrong, and mosquitoes do not move beyond biome when moving?



hmm. Software in the public domain means that no one has an obligation to accept the request. As Json publishes PC version OHOL in its public domain and makes business, he is the maintainer only for PC version OHOL.

However, DualDecade makes business by making mobile games that Json does not need to be involved in. Does DualDecade still try to rely on Json’s algorithm?

From the point of view of Public Domain, if it is not the expected behavior , DualDecade can choise have to declare proprietary specificationy or alter the source. Can not use Json 's specification as a reason.

Although I write it many times, Json’s responsibility is nothing except OHOL for PC version and server management and server optimization for it.



If you say Json 's source is difficult to read, I strongly agree with it.

I understand your frustation, because I hate them too. I think everyone does. I have requested if they can make it that after two or three times with fever, you don’t get it any more. In real life, anyone that survives the yellow fiver, becomes immune to it. Anyway this is something that we have to wait for it.

Another thin:
It sounds like you have never seen mosquitos in real life. Unless you live in Iceland or in the Faroe Islands, you had to seen them at least ones. They are super annoying. The only difference is that we are vaccinated against most of their disease…


Your slightly wrong on the mosquito part. Perhaps its the language barrier?

When the bioms change the animals in game are not deleated. This means that if an animal happens to be standing on a tile that changes to a difreant biome that animal now considers that biome to be its home territory. This is how we get wolves in grasslands or pigs in snow bioms. The animals and insects cannot cross the border of the bioms so if a mosquito gets forced into another biom they will not be able to cross back over to the original biom.

Also the developers wanted to respect jasons design choices as much as possible. This is why they tend to not address certain issues within the game it self. But i suspect that jason will keep pressuring the developers untill they decide to completely go rouge and modify the game into something much difreant and sutiable for a mobile platform.

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I am talking about specifications, the mosquito ecology is irrelevant.

It is not a level of language barriers, but a difference in recognition due to insufficient information being provided. Originally it is assumed that the game specification is not provided accurately, but if there is a difference in past behavior and current behavior in game play, there should be some formal announcement. Since there is no update announcement, it is confusing.

Ok, Mosquitoes are not move beyond biomes too. and animals are not delete when land remaped.
Are you developer ? Can you assert that your words are official specifications?

Also the developers wanted to respect jasons design choices as much as possible. This is why they tend to not address certain issues within the game it self. But i suspect that jason will keep pressuring the developers untill they decide to completely go rouge and modify the game into something much difreant and sutiable for a mobile platform.

Json pressuring to developer ? But he said like this.
I generally have no interest in controlling other people.

I think that the developer feels the pressure from Json is a paranoia. If Json made his source into the public domain, its source should be public, not his. So, he does not have the right to express opinions to that user. Because developers do not want to modify the source he wrote, it seems to be misrepresenting to respect him.

No im not a developer. Im saying this from my understanding of the game meaning what i have seen and tested in game. And from pieces of information ive picked up from browsing the forums.

Also json saying “i generally have no intrest controlling other people” is simply something the man himself has said. I could say that i have never disliked someone in my entire life. Would that make it the truth? Or make it a valid point to judge my character?

The man has all the right to try and pressure Christopher and the rest of the developers but from what ive seen from the information released on the subject by both sides is that the mobile developers made a mistake with marketing that implies json was involved in developing the mobile game which he wasnt. Then the mobile developers atempted to rectify the situation when it was brought to their attention by jason himself. After a bit of back and forth between both creators json came public with their emails and so christopher came public on this forum to.

From reading the messages on both forums. I havnt read any in the last 10 or so hours on jasons forums though. Ive come to the conclusion that christopher and team have more than tried to just rectify the situation at first. While json was making demands key word here is demand not sugestions. To make a demand of someone is to pressure them into doing what you want or to attempt to control.

Now dont get me wrong i respect json. And if anyone else tried to take my baby from me or to copy my work but the copied work has the potential to ruin my name i would be upset to. Not that the mobile game is in any way atempting to ruin his name but there are things in it that json would not have used for example he himself said the button designs would not have been what he would have used. And thats what json seems to be the most upset about is that players are acossiating these design choices with himself.

But he has also released all rights to the the game. Meaning that someone could actually take the game use the same name and not even modify the game at all and sell copys of it for money. Or at least that is my understanding of it.

Thats why i said that he has been pressuring the devolopers even though he himself doesnt seem to realise it. And Unfortanetly if the pressure between the mobile developers and json keps building up both sides will start to hate each other either leading to both sides leaving the game developing industry or neither side working to full potential.

And yes i typed most of this knowing full well that its going to be misinterpreted because of the language barrier. Btw you seem to have an ok grasp on English its just i dont think youve had enough practice talking with native speakers. Some of the emotion and and more figurative meanings seem to get lost in translation.

By the way good luck on mastering the english language. Ive tried learning other languages like spanish and german before. Its a lot harder than it seems lol i never learned more than a sentence in either language. So im cheering for you.

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As i sed it before, all the bioms migrate over time. You can see all the updates specification on the original PC game forum. Any way, I see that you keep my prior message and didn’t reed it, so I will copy and paste my response exactly how I wrote it before:

At the beginning of a server creation. Every single biome work as intended. Moskitos in jungles, rabits in sabana, snakes in desserts, etc. ■■■ the server gets old, it start to migrate the biomes, making the land new and unique. That is why you will see little patches of a biom been overlapped by another one. Maybe they haven’t increased the time that this is supposed to happen, but in Jason original game, it takes a wile.