中国, 日本, 한국 – Discuss the Server Change here

There are a lot of posts lately about «foreigners» coming to a certain server.
I closed all the topics, because there were too many topics about similar experiences.
Please share your Experience in this post. If you don’t, i will add your topic to this topic.
Also please try to improve the discussion instead of blaming a whole nation.


I play on the US severs and my personal experience many who join that are foreign have been very nice. We mostly communicate with emojis and our characters movements. So I wave, hug, jumped, scream, ect. XD

So as stated above, don’t blame an entire nation. The other severs play the game differently, and it may be their way to help reduce grief in their towns. Is it fair? Probably not, but their is only so much that can be done unless the community comes together. So for now, I say try and play on other severs and know not all will be upset if you join. I welcome all who want to play and I’m on USb2. :slight_smile:

Remember, If you pay attention to the forums, I have seen some state, in the past, foreigners were griefing their towns. I have seen their notes in the chronicles too in screenshots with the griefers stating similar things as they always do. “This our town now, blah blah.” If anything, I wouldn’t be surprised those ruining it for others is the same few people who griefed the US sever alot. Fact there are griefers form other countries. Will they jump around severs to cause chaos, yes, but again that’s not the entire county as a whole.

With this said, griefers have made many, no matter the country, weary, and nervous. We all know just how many hours, months, even years can be put into a town, only for it to be destroyed. So we need to put that into consideration. Those on a foreign sever may get nervous because of what they experienced in the past.

Now is their toxicity in severs?

Yes, there will always be a few toxic individuals in each sever, no matter what county your from. Typically those from the Chinese sever migrate to others because they want to enjoy the game and play it. Vise versa, many on the old USB2 sever were migrating to others because they were tired of the trolls as well.

We have all been scared by the trolls, but doesn’t mean we can’t recover. As a community we need to stop blaming an entire country, and focus on the real issues, which are trolls. If we can find a way to keep updated and track of them, we can eliminate most of the issue.

The journey to that success will be slow, and we may never reach true recovery but doesn’t mean we can’t try. :slight_smile:

Lastly, remember everyone plays the game a bit differently too. It is a sandbox game. If you don’t like how a sever is playing, I say welcome those who want to play into other ones. Even if they can’t communicate if they are trying to play and it’s the way you also want to, do your best.

On my old phone I lillied with someone from China, and we have a nice town in USB1 starting up. :slight_smile:

But most importantly, just have fun guys. That’s what it’s all about, and try very hard to work together. :slight_smile: I know it can get discouraging but let’s try and work together as a community instead of tearing each other a part.


I remember seeing this announcement in the group before: it said that China’s 2nd server is used for raising children’s archives, but I would like to ask if I have encountered so many Chinese players on the 2nd server. I have reincarnated four times and you have not raised me. What’s even more despicable is that you have not sterilized me.The situation on server 1 in China is already like this, and I have endured it. Now server 2 is still like this. What kind of bullshit rule is this!I want to tell you this group of people: I really don’t blame foreign players for roast about our Chinese players. I think what they said is very reasonable, because even Chinese players (not novices) can’t help roast. Of course, I also saw in China’s game group before that, because of the problem I mentioned above, their own people are arguing in the group and fighting among each other!! I would like to raise another question: are these two servers serving people like you who do not sterilize or raise children? Is it necessary for every Chinese or foreign player to follow the rules you have set, and is it not enough for you to waste possession of Chinese server 1? I ran to server 2 in China again and started the whole small group routine, it’s really speechless.You neither raise children nor undergo sterilization, and when you are born, you say to your child: do not raise children. Either it’s endlessly asking you whether to reincarnate or bury, as I mentioned earlier, do both Chinese servers have to follow your gameplay? I firmly oppose it!!! And this game will have a cooldown time if it’s not supported multiple times. I’m really annoyed by you guys. I’m really annoyed. I’m so annoyed, I’m speechless



Because Chinese players have a stupid group of 1800+ people, they won’t let new Chinese players play on Chinese servers. Because when you were born, they asked you to be reincarnated or buried, if you say reincarnated, they will starve you, if you say buried, they will ask you in the chat group @their own chat account, only let you live until 10 years old and then bury you. If you try to escape their house, they’ll kill you. They also don’t use contraception, and almost all of them keep having babies. They believe that this can help others to backblock, in fact, the number of backblock players does not need almost the entire server to have a baby to ensure that. So if the Chinese player doesn’t want to stay in that stupid chat group, then she won’t survive on the Chinese server.
So before China Server 2 was created, many Chinese players went to servers in other countries to create homes. It does cause a lot of trouble for players outside of China, and I apologize for this, but I still think the rules of the 1800+ people chat group in China are outrageous and unfriendly to new players.


I agree, that the way other severs are run is a bit outrageous, and I do apologize for this happening to you there. :frowning:

But what I was trying to say, is try other severs for now to enjoy the game as best you can. For instant, I play USB2 and welcome all. I do not care if your from another county or not. If a troll comes I do not care what county your from I will vanish, but if your just trying to play the game to play it’s totally fine. :slight_smile:





我也希望那些不接朋友的独立玩家尽量坚持吃胡萝卜种子,因为已经有养娃档为能够为大家提供回档埋骨的帮助。多照顾无家玩家的游戏体验 :heartpulse:





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我就是疯狗呀,就爱咬你这种又爱舔又双标的,自己态度也没好到哪里去,在群里还要说群坏话,搞小团体你可以不进呀,和你讲了可以自己投夏娃开养娃档,你不愿意。你不会就想白嫖吧 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


另外你有提到大家都不养不绝育,据我所知并不是这样的。我相信如果你能友善的交流,在养娃档一定能获得很好的体验。并且中文2服务器中绝育者与未绝育者的比例你很难客观地下断言。你吐槽的只是一部分玩家,并非所有中文2玩家。所以如果你希望这部分人的玩法发生改变,你就要和平地与他们沟通,比如呼吁中文2的不生养玩家尽量绝育。同样,自己调整心态,适应游戏环境,接纳不同玩法也是不错的选择 :smiley:


最恶心的一点是,当你被迫去别的服务器游玩,而且家被别的人占领或者拆除,中文服一的玩家还要说去别的服务器被拆就是活该,谁让你去别的服务器,还要说你不尊重别人的游戏规则。最搞笑的就是一边说想怎么玩就怎么玩是玩家的自由,一边说不守别的服务器的规则就是活该被拆被骂。The most disgusting point is that when you are forced to go to other servers to play, and the home is occupied or dismantled by other people, the Chinese service one player also said to go to other servers are demolished is deserved, who let you go to other servers! The most funny thing is that they say that it is the player’s freedom to play how they want to play, while saying that not obeying the rules of other servers is deserving of being dismantled and scolded.


Could you please set the Chinese 1 server as the advanced server and the Chinese 2 server as the novice server? Since most Chinese players have played on Chinese 1 servers, they generally do not raise new players. The Chinese 2 server requires ten hours of play to enter, and only old players can enter. As a result, there are not many novices playing on that server, and the problems that novices faced before are still there.(T^T)


引用题主的最后一句话“Please try to improve the discussion instead of blaming a whole nation.”。希望这里是一个合理表达诉求,打破沟通壁垒的平台,而不是宣泄情绪,甚至引发争吵的地方。
Is it the same person who said these things? Are they representative of all Chinese server 1 players? Are they representative of all Chinese players? Every player has their own independent thinking ability. Everyone has the right to express his own opinion. It is unreasonable to use the words of one person to deny all.
In addition, if someone destroyed your home, please blame him and no one else, especially those who haven’t moked you.
“Please try to improve the discussion instead of blaming a whole nation.” the topic owner said. It is hoped that this is a platform to express demands reasonably and break communication barriers, rather than a place to vent emotions and even cause quarrels.
I hope that the game environment will become more friendly and harmonious. I wonder if you have such a desire? Constraints between players should benefit as many people as possible. The influx of many new players creates new problems. We can solve them through friendly communication together instead of blind condemnations or name-calling.