中国, 日本, 한국 – Discuss the Server Change here


Expulsion can only be completed after being vandalized, our efforts have already been destroyed and stolen before that!


You said in another post that you already have a real name system, and the people who rely on this system are all people you know, so why do you need to kill people?


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Even with such a society of acquaintances, our homes are still damaged. Our inability to fight back in times of crisis makes our homes more dangerous.o(╥﹏╥)o

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Hi, here seems to be able to initiate a vote. if offensive, you can contact me to delete the reply.

  • Hope to restore the Chinese server kill rights to protect the home 希望恢复中文服刀人权限保护家园
  • Hope not to restore the Chinese server kill rights 希望不恢复中文服刀人权限

0 voters

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Perhaps my expression is not very accurate. May be some Chinese server players are willing to restore the killing permission. So, I build this poll to know everyone’s opinion. No offense.




Could you please set the Chinese 1 server as the advanced server and the Chinese 2 server as the novice server? Since most Chinese players have played on Chinese 1 servers, they generally do not raise new players. The Chinese 2 server requires ten hours of play to enter, and only old players can enter. As a result, there are not many novices playing on that server, and the problems that novices faced before are still there.(T^T)




In fact, many old players also raise polite new players. When I first came to the international server as a newcomer, I also learned about explosives and some new items at the homes of old players. It should be said that old players are not willing to raise new players who have destructive tendencies or have no manners and mess around in other people’s homes. But now that there is no killing in Chinese server. new and old players no longer dare to raise children. Because some bad guys will pretend to be good guys at the beginning, and we can kill them in time when they start to cause damage. But now we can only watch them destroy.


中文玩家太需要你这样有能力的人在论坛发声了 :laughing:


Hello, village head and foreign friends. I want to explain to you the game mode of China people-the war of survival. Everything has a corresponding background. People in China love this game very much. When the domestic server is not closed, at most 10,000 people are online at the same time.Among them, there are not only friendly adults, but also many saboteurs of primary school students and junior high school students. They reincarnate in other people’s homes and take pleasure in tearing down the homes that others have spent months and years hard to build, so as to extort money from their owners.Moreover, the game ID is not fixed, and there is no cost for doing bad things. Gradually, China players began to choose not to raise a baby to protect our home. If there is a way for home owners to easily protect their home, such as only one curse, they can let the baby who destroys it die and prevent them from coming back to continue to destroy it. I believe that more and more people in China will choose to raise a baby, because we like to be lively , rather than everyone building a home and Play alone as Eve.


As for not bring up a baby without sterilization, killing the baby, it is a sad and bad behavior. I think we should reduce this kind of behavior. For example,increase the punishment for Eve, such as the death of the baby and the death of the mother at the same time. This kind of thing is also very discouraged in our country. We advocate that if you don’t raise a baby, you must be sterilized. However, there are rumors that other Eve will appear near the Sterilized person·s house and destroy their home. And everyone who kills or starves babies has been starved to death or killed in infancy. This is a kind of endless revenge, which is very discouraged. I can only do it for myself, and I will sterilize if I don’t raise a baby.



In the game, hunger drops very slowly. For this reason, my home was torn down by bad people. This morning, a strange child came in, and because he has B2 after his name, I did not raise him. But without me, he lived to be one year old and got a baby bottle and continued to grow. I knew when he got the bottle that he was gonna tear the house down when he grew up. So I tried to knife him, but I couldn’t. Finally, I could only watch him tear down my home, and when he was tearing down my home, he also found his accomplices to come to my home and prepare to tear down my home together, but after his accomplices were thrown to the wild boar by me, otherwise I, the file owner, will become the victim of eviction. Hope to give Chinese service knife people permission!