中国, 日本, 한국 – Discuss the Server Change here


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Honey, have you come up with a way to kill two birds with one stone? In fact, you can be reborn as an adult. I believe it is not difficult. You know, this game is not for you to play alone. This is the best measure we can come up with at present. What kind of game you want has nothing to do with us, but only if it doesn’t touch the interests of most of us., do you understand? Everyone has the right to put forward their own needs, but please look at the problem and think about it comprehensively. You can’t just see your own needs and ignore the lives of others.
Let me stress again, what kind of gameplay do you want? It has nothing to do with us, as long as it doesn’t violate the interests of both sides. I believe a reasonable person will understand our cautious approach. And the tacit understanding and unspoken rules formed during our many years of games do not conflict with your needs. Please put yourself in the other’s shoes. First, don’t be so selfish, okay? If you can come up with a solution to the problem, please come back to us. Thank you.

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中国のプレイヤーは中国サーバーだけでプレイできるように変更してください。 一部のユーザーによる独占的プレイも、他国サーバーにきて村を荒らすこともそうですが、彼らに他者を尊重し、協力して遊ぶ資質はありません。開発運営は中国サーバーを訪れてみてください。差別や偏見ではなく事実だとわかります。

Please change it so that Chinese players can only play on Chinese servers. This includes both monopolistic gameplay by some users and their raids on villages on other country’s servers, showing that they lack the qualities to respect others and play cooperatively. The development and operations teams should visit the Chinese servers, and they will see that this is not about discrimination or prejudice, but a fact.



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