1 Emote to indicate the intention
→ The baby will indicate with numbers (1 to 3) or letters (F) when they need breast milk, but it is horrible to actually talk about the baby being “hunger”. So it’s more interesting to be able to express your intentions in an emote.
2 Display of name of perpetrator
→ The victim is displayed but the perpetrator is not displayed.
You have to fight against the invisible enemy.
For example, we need information such as who woke up the bear and who was killed by whom and by whom.
There are too few judgments.
Breeding of 3 horses
→ The biome is broken and the position of the animal is not accurate.
Is horse breeding possible?
Release the handed horse again and give birth to the foal by giving carrots.
The foal grows into an adult horse by giving carrots.
Stacking, storage and storage of 4 items
There are strange things like small items can not be stored, stacked, or stored.
You can not release or store the stacked rubber. Besides, carrots need a lot of baskets.
You should be able to stack crops and items so that you can stack stones and iron.
The machined parts for the engine are covered, but they can be lost because they can not be returned to iron.
Recently I make clothes well, but rabbit meat spreads all over the ground.
As baskets are often used for blacksmithing and livestock, there is no stock of baskets. There is nothing but putting it on the ground.
I’m pleased if you can stack these too.
5 New Civilization Tips
We play games in an environment where iron can not be defeated.
For example, let’s say you go hunting sheep with Eve children.
But I can not get meat without a knife.
The day to get meat while having the opportunity to hunt is hundreds of years later.
Pigs, chicks and bears should be valuable protein sources in cold climates.
Can you make a stone knife with flint + short rod + rope?
Especially the skin of a bear is useless as a rug.
Can’t you wear clothes?
Are you considering adding a marine biome?
Humans can create useful tools.
There is a limit to produce food indefinitely, and people have devised tools as bait.
Fish can be collected efficiently by the net.
A fisherman town will appear.
In some places hunting is thriving and in some towns agriculture is thriving.