Food recipe: Tomatoes, Lettuce, Strawberry, Salad, Pizza, Sausage, Bacon

We can increase the variety of vegetables.

  1. Tomatoes - to make salad/soup/pizza/spaghetti

    (1) Tomato salad

    (2) Tomato soup

    (3)Vegetable pizza

    (4)Spaghetti sauce
  1. Lettuce - to make salad

  1. Strawberry - to make salad/ cake/ eat immediately

  1. Cucumber - to make Pickle (using jar)

  1. Pizza - my favorite!
    We can use large plate to make pizza!
  1. Sausage - using pork/mutton - to make pizza
  1. Bacon - using pork - to make pizza

These pictures make me hungry

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