Generation Leaderboard

Look I’m not going to sit here and continue with this back and forth with you, it was a crappy move you made end of story

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The Tree would of ended anyways nothing last forever especially when it’s in Beta.

Less people.

Hey I wasn’t in this family line and don’t know about this drama but my name is always hi because I first messed up and I been the baby of Greg awesome a couple times I assume that’s u henry

Nah @Lman819 , Greg Awesome is me :joy:

Just James trying to justify the reason he single handlely destroyed our settlement for his own entertainment because he is sad and has nothing better to do

I killed 2 old people they couldn’t reproduce god sakes I wasn’t the downfall, get over it.

I find you really rude and disrespectful, that’s what I can’t get over, you’re argumentative, and just don’t know when to stay quiet… I’m getting pretty sick of you tbh


I’m not trying to be rude but when you keep going on a subject by bringing it back up I get a bit mad.

Plus I’m not rude I just say what’s comes to my mind if it sounds rude my bad.

I was the Queen btw Idk why people even made queens tbh.

Today I was in the 14th generation of a family, but it was during my break at work and I checked later and my kids weren’t taken care of and died!

The village was doomed to die anyways because no one could get sheep or knew how to farm properly.

Overall an unorganized village.

If anyone wants to do a generation run soon pm me on the forums and we can do one over the weekend or something!

I can do one whenever just has to be past 10:00 AM.
(I’m awake for 12 Hours and asleep for 12 Hours fair balance)

Who here recalls a big town that had the family name legends it was such a big family tree! I spawned there my self 3 times !

This is the reason why I ask 100 times to Jason to make our names our unick username. This way we could see ho is ho, and evry greefer will think it twise befor killing someone.

He toldme more than once, the reason why he dont do that is because the reaincarnation proces. Some time a killer will play its role, some times he will not…