there is a trick to get a higher yum bonus. when you survive mosquitos, you will be hungry. so you can eat again. thats how you get a bonus over 150+ basically you will never eat again after that bonus.
A couple of times, my yum bonus did not increase by one, it DOUBLED! Once from 13 to 26, and another time from 15 to 30! How do I make that happen on purpose??!
i think yum counts how many different things you eat.
so when you eat a berry twice, it only counts the amount of different foods you ate since the last berry. so to get higher and higher scores, dont eat anything twice.
but idk if it is better to eat many little things that gives you a smaller amount of food bars (carrot seed) or if you should eat things that give you a lot of food bars (Turkey drumstick).
Note—when you eat a baked potato, you are left with “Half a Baked Potato” which counts as a different food! So go ahead and gobble it all, you will not break your Yum chain!
I got 32nonce I think. I can usually get to high 20s by the end of my life. But I dont think I’ve figured out how to optimize it yet. I’m pretty sure you can get even higher.