I cant use my private server

I purchased the 7days private server on my ipad. But i cant connect to the server on my phone. How can i use server with phone??


Is your phone also IOS?

Do you have iCloud enabled on both devices?

Yes! Same apple account!

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Yes icloud enabled

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@Dayoung Could you please send me your UUIDs for both devices?
The UUID will show in the message if you go to settings in the app and press the “report a problem” button.

If you get me those UUIDs I should be able to figure out what goes wrong


Hey you have to turn it on first there is a power up button. I love my private server. I hope that helps

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the problem fixed :slight_smile: sry for being late ! have a nice day

ty for replying to me! the problem fixed :slight_smile: have a nice day