If you want to live to be 60 years old, you can be resurrected near your home.

Dear Mr. Murakami, I am a Chinese server player of this game. I would like to ask you to add a rebirth condition (you can be reborn near your home at the age of 60), because it is more troublesome for our Chinese server players to bury bones alone. I must contact the mother who gave birth to me through another software (QQ) and begged her to bury me so that I can return to my home. If I don’t contact her, I can’t be buried and return to my home. If you can increase the condition that you can return home when you reach the age of 60, I believe that more people will come to play this game. Thank you. I wish the game better and better!
亲爱的村长大大您好,我是这个游戏的中文服玩家 ,请求您可以增加一个(活满60岁即可重生家园附近)这个重生条件,因为单独靠埋骨头对我们中文服的玩家是比较麻烦的 。必须通过另外一个软件(QQ)联系到那个生我的妈妈求她埋我才可以重返自己的家园,不联系的话根本没办法被埋葬,无法回到自己的家园 。如果能增加活满60岁就可以重返家园这个条件,相信这样会有更多的人来玩这个游戏,谢谢您 祝游戏越来越好!