追放された遺骨を分かりやすくしてほしい。(important subjects)




I want a picture different from a normal bone in order to make the bones lose sight of the expelled deads.

It is because it can be cursed and discouraged if other people also know that this person was ruined.

Or I think that if the curse is applied to the target bone too much, the bone will look like a figure (that is, it will stick to Donkey Town).


A good suggestion! If the new mechanism is updated, it will be very useful!

Sadly, if the corpses of Chinese servers were in the programmer drawings, there would be many of them.

Because Chinese server mechanism is very different from international service, so many people have more beautiful home. Some people will abuse their rights to banish those who have large home and make them satisfied. Over time, many innocent people entered Donkey Town and lost their homes. These people showed retaliatory mentality and began to curse more innocent people. The emergence of deportation was seldom used on the right path.

The server is affected by a small number of people.The original harmonious game environment became smoky, which made me very disappointed.:pensive::pensive:

I think that it is better to introduce a trial to a server in Japan and see the situation.
