Introducing the Fellowship of Ohol

If you haven’t heard of this, the Fellowship of Ohol is a discord group with a structured hierarchy that attempts to organise civilisation building in this game, both on mobile and pc, while also hosting a place for strategy advice and communication between players. If you come across someone asking you if you are part of the Fellowship, don’t worry. This topic should explain what you need to know. You’ll be fine. OK you’ll usually be fine.

The Fellowship often uses Eve spawns and a small number of experienced Fellowship members to build civilisations. If you are born into these societies however, you should (usually) be allowed to live there as long as you are male and not a nuisance. However some settlements adopt a no-female rule in case they lead to the population getting out of control. If you are born into such a society as a female and want to live, you can ask for exile instead. They should raise you to the age of three when you can go make your own town nearby. Or they might sacrifice you to the deity Kyom. It varies. Some settlements will only allow Fellowship members into the town. Might be best to just get reborn in that case, or ask a high ranker like a Knight or above to grant you pardon. If you know what a Knight is they might think you’re in-the-know enough to keep you alive anyway.
However most Fellowship towns are not quite so strict. Many function with only a loose Fellowship influence, accepting anyone, particularly on the pc version of the game where there are more people. Usually an ordinary town might contain a few members of the Fellowship who converse with each other to work on more complicated projects for the village, like building a car or telecommunication device.
Sometimes a settlement will not be Fellowship exclusive, but may have an Fellowship hierarchy in charge. This is rare but has taken place before. When this happens it is difficult for non members to get high in the ranks in the space of a single life, however like any town as long as you are respectful and work hard you should be fine. You may even be invited to join the Fellowship for the promise you’ve shown in the settlement.
Ultimately, what kind of system a town uses from its foreign policy to its economy, is initially founded by the person who is the town’s founder. Thanks to the Fellowship they can keep directing things from beyond the grave in the chat rooms. This means that Fellowship villages are about as varied as they come. The thing that binds them together is only a little more organisation than normal.

To summarise, this organisation is mainly just a way of helping people to effectively communicate. The whole sacrificing babies thing isn’t that common. Honest! Whatever you think of it, nobody can deny that it sure makes for an interesting town.

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People I play with have said the Fellowship still kills random babies (even boys) and do not pardon girls to leave when they turn 3. I used to be in the Fellowship and they would say they will try to use smart, logical solutions, but before they even emplement them, they find some excuse to not do it or just chose to forget about them. It is a good idea for organizations like the Fellowship to exist. But the Fellowship does it in a way that ruins the game, while saying they’re not.


I’m not a fan of the Fellowship.


The Fellowship is weird. You gotta understand that every town run or influenced by the Fellowship is worked out by the Eve. If I wanted to make an evil cult, or a welcoming utopia, the Fellowship would follow on from either. It’s more a way of people communicating with each other while they build settlements.


It depends on what the Eve wants

In theory a Fellowship Town could just as easily welcome all children. Most work by the consensus however that girls are harder to manage, although I’d peronally let everyone in. The Fellowship has many an enemy though which makes complete openness a difficult due to griefer attacks.


You know what, new year new you. I won’t say anything else until it’s happened to me directly

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The age three rule has not been confirmed to be happening.
If I’m wrong I apologize but I havent seen it annouced yet.

But good job putting us and what we do out there ^-^ :heart::heart::heart:


It will be after a certain gen and city stage @Spire

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Thanks for the clarification :heart:

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Sorry, should have made that clearer. The Three Year Rule is not something the Fellowship does as a rule yet at least, but it depends entirely on the town itself. Some might, some won’t.

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Thanks for commenting by the way everyone : ).