Map for us-beginner

There are so many abanded towns. Is there a easier way to find them, other than just running around biome to biome randomly?

We have a map for europe-2 allready, a big town which is the most active under the solo players. Us-begginner doesn’t have one yet, but maybe anyone can make it?


When running around the map you can look for signs of life. When you see trees with branches, ponds with eggs and rabbit holes with rabbit family, some one has been in that area. If you find that there are no signs of life it is best to turn and go to another direction for the best chance to find a town.


Blockquote[quote=“JeffToDeff, post:3, topic:5491, full:true”]
When running around the map you can look for signs of life. When you see trees with branches, ponds with eggs and rabbit holes with rabbit family, some one has been in that area. If you find that there are no signs of life it is best to turn and go to another direction for the best chance to find a town

Interesting, does this include things like wolf’s and boars as well?

nope, wolf and boars, snakes already there, but cactus fruit, rabbit baby and ponds with eggs will only appear if someone hv pass by before


How big is the map?

It contains most of the big towns, and also has eve spawns. The biggest is made by @Maengish.

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this is a map of europe-2.
looking for signs of life helped a lot to find direction. also building roads and belltowers is a key part of it to find your way back. a horse-drawn cart helps a lot for mapping the locations. but the map is huge. the edges of the eve spawn location can be more than 15min (by horse) away from each other.


Oh. I’ve seen this map in other post.
But how did you manage to go back to the town with eve spiral that constantly expanding?

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on eu-2 there are not that many players, so you can use respawns more often (dying of old age). sometimes when i play on eu-2 there are no other players at all. it means i have also no kids sometimes. so if i have no kids there is no reason to start a camp. so my main goal is to get a horse and find back. and while riding i look for clues. cut trees or pond with eggs. often i ride in a straight line or use a marker.

when i use an old eve camp to raise a horse i look after the place. i maintain the farm and raise sheeps because maybe i will be there next time. it makes it easy for the next player to also get a horse quick.

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There should be map system ingame, including papers, pens and construction of some kind (board with map?). Players would update boards by carrying papers from one town to another. Something like that.

I only know of 2 bell towns that are nearby to each other (I try to build road to connect them). I also know there’s town with berries on jungle biome, that is really near to another town.


Where they are on server map? Idk. :slight_smile:


Not a lot, but its a start!

About 1#. Road is finished, but so as bell town 1, lol. It runs out of water and berries. It’s this one (the one with sign ‘army’):


To be honest I wasn’t expecting this idea of map would work, but it’s growing in details. :slight_smile:

Town 1 got a house that cannot be entered.

Ppl can get from town 1 to 3 in straight line.


Yeah it’s crazy, but it’s slowly coming together. I was born in town 2 today, and traveled around on horse till I had a girl. You’re right about bell 1, yet its still alot of useful things down there like rubber for wheels, and tracks. I found a few other towns close by as we’ll. I’ll add what I can as time goes on

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@MariePie l guess someone found your bell town on us-beginner
(its a screenshot from discord)