My family is destroyed today

I am a person who likes to play games. I also want to know people in different countries in the game, so I downloaded you. I have been very happy and happy in this game, and different people come from different countries, our language is not very happy, but still have fun. Especially yesterday, I played for a while in my home, I returned to the archive. I found a lot of new buildings in my home, which made me feel very happy. But today, a thing that made me very sad is just that my home is destroyed. The umbrella is destroyed, and the sheep runs everywhere, and the previous trees have been cut into a stick. This is all made. That person is my eldest son in the game, I have never gotten him. At first, he made a wooden wood with a wooden scorpion. Then he destroyed me in the box of the sheep and the sheep jogged everywhere. Then I found that he was stealing my iron, and the three piles did not have. He rode my carriage, I don’t know where to put the thief. This home is not the result of me, is the result of nearly fifty generations. We have completed this together. I need to control my emotions now. I may not go back again. I will choose to re-establish a home with my friends. But I am still willing to believe everyone, I think this is nothing, if I have a dismantling of my people, I will be dismantled, but this is my efforts with my future generations, I think I don’t cherish the labor results of others.
I have done with the translator in this article.
I hope you can understand. The big son in the picture is to destroy . Seeing him, be careful

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