So ive been playing for years now and I always thought that once you place a peace Lilly on the home marker that that was your permanent respawn location until you placed another peace lilly on another home marker but today i was playing with someone who swore up and down that if I cut down the home marker where my peace lilly was placed that I would no longer spawn there. Has the game changed? Is this true?
as I know, it hasn’t changed!
I experienced something like this on Privat server. but still don’t know if it’s real.
i also assumes that sometimes Lilly marker and home marker get mixed up, when talking about. did you cleared that out?
when you replace your normal(blue arrow) home marker = it’s gone
I haven’t cut it down yet cause now im not sure if I’ll respawn or not but my Lilly marker is in the way of a path where im planning on putting a road.
I think if you replace it with a new marker + lily in a more convenient spot, you would be fine. We all know that making a new lily marker re-sets you to a new place, so the old marker then becomes useless anyway.
10000% sure it doesn’t affect it. I always cut other peoples home marker & my own and nothing happens - I always return to my town and see the eves return as well.
I also had a question. I have a griefer that enjoys dog killing and they recently used a peace Lilly is there anything I can do? When I’m born I usually have one child then take carrot seed. I guess I just got a toxic player.
That’s terrible. I guess you could try hiding his bones??
I believe it is true
I also think it affects the respawn if the lilly-homemarker is cut off. Can we get a confirmation?
No, removing the home marker has no effect…you will still return. I got rid of mine ages ago.
Good to know, ty!