サイコロでセネトを遊ぶ ( play senet with dice )

Just rolling a dice is not fun, so I chose a game that uses the ground


  1. 1 dice, use 24 wooden floor, 5 stone floor ( 3 rows, 10 columns ), and 5 adobe and 5 clay ( or 7 both )
  2. for two players
  3. count Z
  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
 20 19 18 17 16 Rb 14 13 12 11
 21 22 23 24 25 hp Nw hp hp hp
  1. Put stone floor on 15th grid ( reborn )
  2. Put stone floor on 26th grid ( happy )
  3. No floor on 27th grid ( Nile water )
  4. Put stone floor on 28th, 29th, 30th grids.

I want to play on popcorn with one hand.
Do you have any beer?

It is difficult to explain detailed rules. Is there anything else?



  1. 1つのサイコロ、床(3行10列) 24つの床の板と5つの石の板 と煉瓦5個、粘土5個。(或いは7個ずつ)
  2. 2人用
  3. Zの字の順でマスを数える
  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
 20 19 18 17 16 Rb 14 13 12 11
 21 22 23 24 25 hp Nw hp hp hp
  1. 15番目のマスに石の床(再生)
  2. 26番目のマスに石の床(幸福)
  3. 27番目のマスは何もなし(ナイル河 )
  4. 28番目、29番目、30番目のマスに石の床



see also:

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Something new to try!

Intresting, but pretty confusing.

Yes. The senet rule is not difficult but OHOL dice and floor panel are different size a little. If I set far view , I can see floor but can not see the value of dice :joy:

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Heres a simple game.
Just stack up some stones or something stackable like papers or flatstones even iron and steel would work.

Wait now that i think about it berry bowels would be best.
You would need 4 bowels 1 filled with berries. At least 1 or more dice. And then come up with some rules. Like if the outcome is less than 6 you take a berry from the middle bowl and put it in yours. If its higher than 6 you put it back into the center bowel. If you get snake eyes then you get critical and can grab two berries. If you get double 6 its a critical failure and put 2 back. You know rules like that lol when theres no berrys left from the center whoever has the most wins. Of course the center pile could be changed and all like having multiple bowels of berrys lol.

I seem to be getting drunk when I grab Berry.
I think that what I can not eat is good.
Target age 3 years and over. lol