Hii guys I’m not new to the game, just new to the forums, I was wondering if anyone would like to join me on a private server? Send me a message! I’m gonna create a group.
Hey Welcome to the forum
I can join you for few lifes if you’re still playing
Hii I would love that where can I send you a link ?
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Are you in discord server?
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Just joined it
I’d love to join! Iv been playing solo for awhile and have learned alot would like others to play with on a private server.
Hii message me and I will send the link!
New to the site. I think I sent a message…?
Can I join?
Hii do you have a discord that I can send a link on?
By any chance your discord name is sunny?
1 Like
Yeah are you ivees?
Oh. Then I already asked you in discord. Yep, I’m ivees
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