Racism in You Are Hope

Hiya! I’m Ansik. I’ve been an avid You Are Hope player since maybe… 2021-2022? Yeah. You get the picture. I’ve been inactive for quite a while due to some real life complications and my social circle, but you may remember me as Charmy! I helped set up the Rosetown festival. Anyway, since 2021 and 2022, You Are Hope has had the disgusting problem every single game, show, and even real life faces; Racism. Racism is unfortunately very common, and has always been, in You Are Hope. I can remember countless times spawning in as a coloured child, or a black child, and just being absolutely despised for it. One story I remember vividly from 2022 was when I was neckdeep into playing, and everyday I sought out playing YAH. I was born into a black family, to an Eve. What these Racism Farms often do, is have one person be a black Eve (or a darker coloured Eve) and another a white Eve. They’ll make what i’ll call a Human Farm. They’ll get the Black Eve inside of the farm, and have her have children, (who are also dark.) If a child is born white, they will most likely pull them out. But the other children will sit there, barely fed, with no clothes, picking raspberries. Or atleast, thats the one I was born into. Anyway, they’ll often name these children horrible things. The Eve’s last name was literally ‘Slave’. And, when I was born, I had a brother named The N-Word (but slightly changed so that it wasn’t filtered). And, if someone (more or less, a darker child,) didn’t co-operate, they would bring them into a seperate pen and have a bear kill them. I know its “just a game” but it ruins the game play for everyone. It was incredibly horrible, the things they’d say, they way they treated the kids— It was messed up for a game. The reason i’m bringing this up in 2024, and not 2022? Because it happened RECENTLY. As of holidays, when I finally got back into the game which I was DYIIINGGG to, I was born into a Human Farm. They forced the darker children and people to pick raspberries, said extremely offensive things, and killed off some of the children for no reason (mainly the male ones.) We had to escape by waiting for the fences to thaw and break, and by then I was 11. (I was born as they were thawing.) We were literally chased down with BEARS because they lead them to us. I don’t exactly know what to do about this, and I know it’s probably been brought up quite frequently, but I really needed to know if anyone else had been affected by these cycles? Another thing to mention was that they usually seperated the males from the females, to kill them off easier. Thank you for listening, sincerely, Ansik.


I’m sorry you had to experience that, back then and now :cry: In my time playing the game, i encountered few times, players doing similar acts, but not as terrible as you describe it above. The ugly sights of “role-playing”, what i started calling that for meself… Sorry again, you had to experience it!

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Roleplaying on You Are Hope is awesome; but this kind isn’t. Its offensive, rude, and downright disgusting to participate in these types of things and it deffo isn’t your fault! Its bound to happen everywhere, but I think it’d be cool if there was a seperate ban station where you could report someone for Racism, Homophobia, anything mildly offensive or directed towards hurting someone of another race should be some form of a longer ban. I didn’t mention this, but i’ve had lots of people think it was funny to name themselves the N-word, F-slur, etc. And its INCREDIBLY annoying and disrespectful trying to play the game with the F-slur as your family name or something!

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I second this post, I’ve encountered horrible racist trolling during my many years playing YAH, and it’s definitely a problem that needs to be addressed by the creators and moderators of the game. I can’t really understand any excuse for the use of certain words/phrases in public servers to not result in an insta-ban or at least a timeout. The reporting system in YAH definitely needs improvement as time and time again I have seen discrimination and bullying targeted at players- not only for the colour of their avatars skin, but I have also witnessed misogyny and other hate speech. It’s not only disgusting but extremely insensitive as a lot of the YAH player base are people of colour and the range of ethnicities that participate in our community stretches really wide!


Jesus Harold christ, that’s horrific. I havent encountered a human farm myself, but I have encountered terribly racist behavior which I’ve posted on here about. It’s like, without permanent bans there’s no real repercussions for this kind of behavior. If I was born into a place like that I would just KMS and start to a new family.


Word, we need permanent bans to let ppl know this isn’t ok PERIOD. Racism is not a game, but YAH allows it.


Yeah its definitely not okay but ive seen people dishing out curses because someone burnt a rabbit, or cursing and demanding a ban for cursing when there is a swear filter. Since this game has at highest, that ive seen 20 people on the US servers, its definitely a pick your battles type of thing. Dont ban half your community because one kid buys the game with a $3 off coupon…

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