Share our home 分享我们的家。

我想,既然Christoffer 在游戏中制定了避孕药以及重生的方法,那么YAH是存在家族传承以外的单人游戏方式的。事实上,有非常多的玩家热爱在游戏中建设属于自己的家园,同时他们也希望能与朋友们一起玩,认识更多的新朋友。由于私人服务器的种种限制(私人服务器就像一池无法流动的死水,没有任何新的可能,只剩下无尽的孤独),他们只能选择在公共服务器中建立家园。





I consider that since Christoffer formulated the contraceptive pill and the method of rebirth in the game, YAH has a single-player mode other than family inheritance. In fact, there are many players who love to build their own homes in the game. At the same time, they also hope to play with their friends and make more new friends. Due to the various limitations of private servers (private servers are like a pool of stagnant water that cannot flow, without any new possibilities, only endless loneliness), they can only choose to build their homes in public servers.

Below I would like to share my beautiful home in the game.

I spent hundreds of thousands of hours building it, drew tons of designs, and it contains precious memories of my time with my friends. It is my treasure. It only takes a few minutes for the bad guys to destroy it.

Like me,there are many players who have spent hundreds of hours and countless efforts building their homes. However, since April 15, 2024, the server has added restrictions of no-killing, one home after another has been destroyed. , when the owners picked up knife,they found that they could not kill the bad guys to protect their homes. They could only watch the bad guys steal their precious items, cut down all the trees, and destroy all the buildings.

That’s why I call for cancel the restrictions of no-killing, so that we can have the ability to protect our own homes.

Ps: Peace lilies already exist in the game. If you don’t want to kill, you can plant peace lilies in your home. The rule about not killing people conflicts with the setting of peace lilies.



Support you! The server where the killing is open is not empty, on the contrary, there are about 100 people playing on this server! This is a sandbox game, and we should respect players to create more possibilities and gameplay! At the same time, we need more voices, and we hope you will leave a message of support!




I hope to restore the knife man permissions on the Chinese server! We have invested a lot of effort and time in building our own home! We need to have means to protect our own home! The Chinese server has always been able to attack people, and its permission was only recently revoked. Many homes have been destroyed, but we are unable to protect our own homes!



What a big town! Thanks for sharing. They’re all brilliant ideas!

Also, I have something to say to my friends who are reading these shares from other servers.
Actually most Chinese players were and will be focused on building their homes with friends. And they are peaceful. We are very happy to share with you the joy we get from the game.
I’m sure you can see how much effort it takes to build towns like these. Therefore, those few players who go to other servers and misbehave are different from these players who are working hard to build their homes. Please do not take out your anger on others. Please use your counterattack on the bad guys. And do not escalate the conflict between groups. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. For every dedicated gamer, it hurts to have the game experience destroyed. You and I are no different.



We found that Chinese server 1 can’t kill people anymore? Requesting the restoration of knife man permissions on Chinese server 1. There were bad people coming to the home, but we couldn’t kill people anymore and had to locked up. As a result, he escaped, broke down walls, and stole the family’s carriage and other items. I’m starving very slowly in the game now, and we can only watch as bad people grow up and engage in destruction and theft. Nowadays, many players dare not raise children to help others go home!



This is our home. We have spent a lot of time and energy to create it, hoping to restore the killing authority of the Chinese server.


I can’t stand the destruction of my home, which will make me lose hope. “This is not hope.”


Hello there! Since you brought it up, I’ll share my thoughts too!
To be honest, this is the first time I’ve had the idea of whether to continue playing or not. I might be a pessimistic person, and I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
My belief in playing this game is to build beautiful homes with good roommates and then visit each other with good friends and so on. But this must be based on the safety of our homes. I don’t understand, if we can’t even protect our homes, what should we do? ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅.
Can everyone understand? When our homes are destroyed, we can only watch as the homes we spent hundreds of hours building are destroyed in an instant, just to satisfy the momentary satisfaction of those psychologically twisted individuals. Besides anger and sorrow, we can’t do anything, how desperate must that be, I can’t believe it!!!
I joined the international server in order to stay away from those psychologically twisted individuals who only know how to destroy. When some players from domestic games come to international games, I am worried that there will be such people. The fact is that it is indeed unavoidable that there are some bad apples, but fortunately, we have measures and ways to protect our homes. As long as we are cautious enough, we won’t be destroyed.
But after the cancellation of the permission to kill, I felt a long-lost panic. How can we protect our homes in the future? How can we continue to play?!
On the day when the permission to kill was revoked, our homes had already suffered nearly 5 destructions!
Before, we just focused on building our homes and didn’t go to the forums to discuss with everyone. This really has a significant impact on us, to the point where we all stand up and speak out. I want everyone to see that we are really playing this game well, and if our safety cannot be guaranteed, I really can’t imagine how devastated we would be.
This game is the longest game I’ve played, and I hope to keep playing it forever. Look! This is my plan for my home and the happy moments in my game. How much I look forward to the day when it’s all built! (Crying)
(The above is machine translation, there may be some errors.)


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You guys rock :heart_eyes:

I am entrusted by the player Xigua to express the following opinions:

It’s not easy to build a home, it’s not easy to protect a home. We could have played other easy games, but we kept going because we loved the game. In the game, I was very careful and nervous, because we have too few means to fight against the destruction of the home, and now to cancel one of the means to protect the home, I am very afraid and worried. As a player of yah, I would like to request to keep the Chinese -1 killing.
Below is a part of my home and I don’t want it to be destroyed. I hope the Game official can understand my small request to keep my home. My friends and I spent a lot of time building it.


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