Stuff Hitting the Fan - Jason

Anyways i gotta go.

Spam doesn’t constitute a contract. I don’t know how you could even suggest such a thing.

Short answer… YES. Making agreements via email can constitute a contract, which is why I said ‘of sorts’. Jason has ample proof Dual Decade engaged in negotiations as to how to represent their port. They agreed with those conditions. Then… ChinaGate.

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The problem in here wasn’t that they give to little credits to the actual game author. The problem was that they give to much credits to Jason, making people belive that the unofficial adaptation of the game was made by Jason.
As everyone know, this problem was caused by a third partie company. They did what they did without telling DualDecade about it, at the end, DualDecade team don’t speak ether Chinese or Japanese. Thats why there were no ways to know what the third party sed in their 1 minute comertial, ether on the game demo app description.

Jason was asking for allot of stuff to be made in a small period of time, and during a weekend. During that time, DualDecade staff was on their days off. They did allot of work during those days. I know that they are looking for a better way to solve the problem. They are willing to fix it, and to fix it fast…


According to Christoffer’s response the copyright is specifically for the app and the trademark is for the Chinese name of the app. Whether or not the Chinese name is a word for word translation of One Hour One Life I don’t know.
So you can’t distribute DD’s binary which contains DD’s code and is copyrighted, but it doesn’t affect what you can do with Jason’s code which is still in the Public Domain no matter what DD does.

I saw this thread now. Rather than answering each post, you can have a look at the post I made on Jason’s forum, telling the story from my side.


Ah no i was just actually curious about the email thing. Was wondering if i could somehow get that scam money through legal actions :joy:
I get about three calls a day from difreant “organisations” trying to get money from me. And of course any of my gaming emails are always full of spam :joy:

Wasnt trying to sugest that and email between developers and spam mail were the same level.



That Nigerian Prince better pay up forthwith!

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All you can do is read into the damages this is causing now.

When I seen all of the text by jason bringing this up on the pc I was expecting this to be more than just a public outcry of looking at this legally, relating it to other cases and such. It really is looking like a smear campaign. “Until his demands are met.” He needs to make his demands clear in the first place and NEGOTIATE. Not try to take down something just because he’s worried about his “legacy”.

Has anyone played the demos available for games? It’s ment to be free and short. A chinese demo representing and replacing an entire persons legacy is just ridiculous. His version of the game on pc will always be his game. Mobile is an entirely different market. Most people fail to give mobile games credit where credit is due.

It’s done no good to start this as an open discussion and instead caused both forums unrest. I was hoping for more suggestions to be shared but it seems like people keep trying to take sides. Trying to guess what jason wants. Re-igniting this discussion for no reason each time.

Take a moment, sit back. Watch and learn. Don’t react.


Shnappers, have you played the Chinese demo of this game on TapTap?

My understanding is that it is not “free and short,” but the full-featured game with no limitations.

Downloading it now on this end to check.


Im actually curious if its even a proper demo to. I havnt used it but it might not even have a time limit or a number of lifes limit. Hopefully its just the tourtorial.

I haven’t played this demo but I’d be interested in checking it out.

Check it out ASAP.

So… it seems to be the full game.

After a short tutorial (which seems different from the old Mobile tutorial----there are NPCs running around talking to you, etc.)…

I was born into the game with real players.

I can’t read any of the text, so I’m not sure if there are any limitations in place. But there don’t seem to be.


Maybe just a limited amount of server capacity?

I dont know seems to me like the demo is an excuse to test the waters while the chinese publishers make enough gameplay differences to warent their own undesputable copy right. Theyve even created npcs.

How would the publishers make gameplay changes? You think they’d make their own app? I really doubt they have any kind of access to DD’s code.

I mean if the toturial is difreant like jason said. Oh he might have meant the gesster totorial.

I spawned into the tutorial. Did everything that jason just did. It also looks like you can watch ads to get a free food items given to you right before you die. The top servers look like the events. I’ve yet to spawn into a bottom server yet. It looks like a number of servers with “IOS” are locked off.

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It looks like the bottom servers are with other players. Ill check to see for a technology limit tho

I figured it might have to do with Chinese regulations so I looked for some info and found a very interesting read.

Especially this part, from section 3:

App Reclaiming

In China, the competition between app stores has become so fierce that it’s common for foreign companies to find that their app has already been unofficially distributed on some of the local stores. This means that before an officially stamped version (“官方版”) of an app can be published, proof of ownership will need to be provided to get the unofficial versions taken down.

My massive google translate skills tells me that 官方版 means “The official version” and this section probably part of the explanation for why the publisher used that phrase in their marketing. Might also explain DD’s unwillingness to put “Unofficial” in the name.