Suggestions to repair and avoid griefing

  1. After a person is 3 it can’t be stuck by constructions/objects like fence, oven or box. This is to prevent being held prisioner for a whole life. I think it’s ok to be held by walls because its hard to build then and some city owners eve use then to prevent horse carts going missing. Also, for the reality matter it works too, because an adult or even a big kid can jump stuff like boxes and fences.

  2. A way to undo stable bell tower base. It’s ruining the no children server and is the ultimate way to grief a city. We could use a bomb that is already a thing in the game.

  3. Allow more things to be discarded in the trash pit: ex. pencil, snare, clay nozzle, punching hole stick, fletching, arrow head. So the city is not full of the same stuff.


The devs are working on their new game and I think it’s been said that there are not going to be any more changes or additions to this game.


Also it’s important to have at least one thing that a player can build that’s permanent. I used stable Bell Tower base and one of my previous cities to create a giant wall around the whole city. Then I locked everybody in and hid the key. That way every time I came to my town I would know that there wouldn’t be stuff missing, and if a griefer spawned inside the town bc they put a lily they wouldn’t be able to do much because they wouldn’t know where the key was

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Oh no!

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Hey, some people were not fond of being locked inside xD but if someone wanted to leave I let them, as long as they left the town stuff inside. No disappearing horses. No griefing and running to avoid ban, then coming back to be bad again. It took a month to build that wall.