
・年代記の投稿を並べ替えられる(新しい順 古い順 :heart:が多い順 など) ようにしてほしいです。

Google translate:
・ I want a function that I can delete by myself when I submit it to my family chronicle.
・ I want to be able to vote for deletion of inappropriate posts and have a function (like exile) that will be deleted if a certain number of collections are collected.
・ I want you to be able to sort the chronicle posts (newest to oldest first: heart: most descending order, etc.).


Nice Idea. That way inappropriate chronicle can be deleted.

@SylarUchiha should moderate the chronicles.

Im afraid I can’t. That is something that have to be implemented in the game.

If you are talking to moderate in this forum, that I can. Just send me the link.

Which is exactly what I was saying.

Ahh… does that mean it a suggestion?



Thanks. So , do you actually buy the add on?

What add on?

Theyre talking about the family chronicles add on. Its the three dollar in app purchase that unlocks observation mode and the abillity to write in the family tree.

Thanks for the suggestions!

These two functions will probably be added in the release after the one that’s coming this week.

This is less likely that we’ll do. The nature of a chronicle is that it is always chronological, never sorted in any other way than oldest first and newest last. We have built the functionality on that premise. Changing it would be complicated and would also make it behave less like a chronicle.

Google translate:


これは私たちがやろうとしている可能性が低いです。 クロニクルの性質は、それが常に年代順であり、最も古いものと最も新しいもの以外の方法で決してソートされないということです。 私たちはその前提で機能を構築しました。 それを変更するのは複雑で、クロニクルのように振る舞わなくなります。