That’s so cruel! I wish I could just go there and grow up long enough to banish whoever made that place and then die
What does it say? Or maybe you don’t want to translate here…
When I was born in a certain village,
The nanny traps her baby in a raspberry field cage, and the guards in it force us to eat the raspberry.
They are depriving human rights by trapping innocent villagers in cages.
Wow, horrible! Which server?
japan1 server.
There should be a way for the developers to break something like this up, and punish/banish those responsible.
Anyone on the outside of that fence could break it easily by using a mallet then a shovel.
Or my adding a shaft to a wooden box to carry it away.
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to break because there are only criminals on the outside.
Criminals use cheats to get their babies inside.
I’m sorry that happened thats terrible. If only there was a good person on the outside to save you all. You would have been able to banish the griefers.
It says something like, "there is a troll who locks u up as soon as ur born and forces u to eat raspberries.
“Thank you for your support.”
Tbh, that’s hilarious.
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