Twins? How can me ans my girlfriend spawn together?

I recently bought this game for me and my girlfriend to play together, but we would like the play with the community once she learns techs on a private server.

How do we spawn together as babies or in the same family? Is this even possible? Is this going to be added or has this game been abandoned?

I loved OHOL but after Jason abandoned it for over a year or two because he moved, i felt sorta betrayed and the griefers ruined it for me. Giving this game a shot because i know alot of the beginning tech trees but was kinda bummed we can spawn together.

Any solutions?

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you both can make a peace lily marker at a location you like. then you can have each other as baby in this location and build up the town. with the bury ritual you will spawn there over and over again.

to get the respawn live at least 10min. get your bones buried from a past life. the tombstone is the trigger.


Thank you for this information. Do you know how to build one of those?

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Are you asking how to make peace lily markersļ¼Ÿ
1.Cut a sapling with a sharp stoneā†’a skewer
2.Strike the skewer with a stoneā†’home marker
3.Place peace lily petal on your home markerā†’rebirth marker


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