We should be able to craft a religious altar

Here we can give offerings/gifts to the ‘god’ of our choosing. Depending on the gifts you give, you decide what kind of god it is and gain different benefits from these offerings. For instance if you offer fruit, you will have a bountiful harvest when farming. If you offer rabbits or animal furs, you will have better luck and even protection when hunting. You can even offer players’ bones in order to gain a longer lifespan. Okay okay I thought this idea up originally because I’m still mad at a griefer who wrecked my village but it would still be cool to have some kind of justice on griefers as well as put other players’ bones to use. I just thought I might share!

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I think that might be a bit too overpowered. I like the general idea though. Maybe Christoffer should be the god? :wink:

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I would say it’s good and I’ve thought of a crafting recipe you need 5 reeds a cactus fruit 3 peace Lilly’s and a skewer placed in order on a stone pillar to create an altar give iorn get 10x more iorn and gold mines give bones and get a 10 year increase in lifespan give fruit and get a harvesting boost of 500 parcent but there are only 3 uses before it is destroyed than u have to build another one at my rate with 1 person it should take 20 years at minimum evening it out