You are Hope is now included in Google Play Pass / Google Play Passのカタログに含まれました

Interesting news to our Android users:
As of today, You are Hope is included in the Google Play Pass. This means that if you subscribe to Google’s Play Pass, you will have access to play You are Hope at no extra cost.
This offers an alternative way to get the game. Our hope is that this will result in more players discovering the game and the community. Please spread the word!

We have new cover art for YaH too, please enjoy!



本日より、あなたは希望です/YouAreHope/ゆあほぷがGoogle Play Passのカタログに含まれました!既にプレイパスをお持ちの方、追加料金なしでゆあほぷの全ての機能を楽しんでいただけます!


新しいカバーイラストもできました :blush:


Game on the Google Play Store
It’s free with the Google Play Pass :partying_face:

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Will there be any other updates within the game :face_holding_back_tears:?

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