New version v1.1.0 is coming out soon. What's new?

Hi everyone, version v1.1.0 is on its way out now. Below are the highlights in this version:

  1. Data version is now upgraded to 131. New contents include roads and rail roads among other things.
    Worth mentioning:
    a. Walking on roads makes you move faster.
    b. Standing on a road and tapping another tile on the road will make your character start to auto-walk along the road until an end is reached.
    c. To start a cart on the end of track to move, you do the swipe up motion to wind up the cart (like when you pick up a basket, because it is essentially a container like a basket).
  2. Touch gestures are improved to help one make fewer mistakes. We have improved the swipe gesture to make it easier to drop items and use onto other items. Also some improvements are done for the tapping gesture to make it easier to move to a tile with object (example: camp fire).
  3. A dedicated overlay button for eating was added. It will show up if you are holding something eatable.
  4. It’s easier to pick up tiny objects like seeds now.
  5. Fixed the bug that sometimes the keyboard button could not be clicked so player stays mute. Thanks to @Leonmatison271’s way of reproducing this bug.
  6. Texts in the hint book are easier to read.
  7. Fixed the problem that texts were too small for player’s last words in Chinese and Japanese when they were long.


  • スワイプの操作が以前より楽になり、意図しない動作をしにくくなりました。
  • 「食べる」のボタンを追加しました。
  • 小さな物を拾いやすくなりました。


  • 道路や鉄道などを作る新しいアイテムを追加しました。
  • ヒントの文字サイズを大きくし、読みやすくしました。
  • キーボードが使えなくなるバグを修正しました。

Neat, can’t wait! Always wanted to make roads and carts in this version!

Did that include decreasing the spawn distance like Jason did?

Yes, it’s set to 500.

I can’t wait!

I played on the us 2 updated map and started making roads on my second run in the same area as an eve. It has a weird bug with auto walking where if I turn a corner in the road my character walks off of the road,auto walks a few spaces over and stops in the middle of the road.

It always seems like my character wants to stay on the road but they move out of place for some weird reason. Idk if my connection can change the circumstances or not yet I’ll update you on it.

Edit: my connection has no effect lol

I talked about that bug earlier. Also, I’m having problems with putting clothing on

This is indeed a problem. It has nothing to do with your connection to server. It’s local. I will try to solve it in the future update.

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What’s the problem to be exact? Did you swipe down to your character to put on clothes? Note that swipe down gesture will always try to drop the thing in hand now. To eat or put on clothes swipe to your character from another direction.