Here you find some game rules
Family name and naming a child
Faster on roads
Apocalypse only in event mode (Monolith)
Sand and snow refill, if not erased
Erase written notes
How many Keys are there?
Did you know that you can make locks and keys for doors, chests, and signs?
There are 10 different locks and 10 keys which fit in one lock each. So if you are missing a key you can make a new key to open a lock, but you can’t be sure that it will fit the lock you want to open. You may have to make several attempts to create the correct matching key.
If a player eats Crushed Carrot Seed, that player will not get any more children. This can be used for example by Eves who want to prepare the camp before they raise children. The effect can then be countered by drinking Pine Needle Tea. Getting Yellow Fever also has the effect of no children, but only for 5 minutes.
The civilization in You are Hope has now advanced to the stage where there is technology for increasing or decreasing fertility (for female characters - all males are still sterile )
It turns out that ground carrot seeds have traditionally been used as a birth control substance. So we will add that to the game. If you eat it, you can’t get children again until you drink some fertility tea.
Edit: Note that you can’t feed this to another player
Yellow fever will also make you infertile, but only for 5 minutes. This effect is stackable. Fertility tea will cure the effect.
There will also be a new fertility tea that you can drink, to restore or increase fertility. This effect is also stackable and will remain until a baby is born. The effect resets after birth (fertility becomes normal). If you want better chances of having more kids you can start drinking fertility tea again after having a baby.
These additions should make it possible for Eves to plan when they want to start families, or for starving families to reduce new births until there is more food available. There will be no reason for leaving a child to starve anymore!
You may sometimes have experienced the situation when there is only one fertile woman left in your family, but that player is AFK? For every bowl of fertility tea that you feed such a character, its fertility will increase and the chances of getting the next baby player will improve.
Breastfeeding till 43 years old
Which Mother Gets the Baby?
There has been some imbalances in the algorithm for picking a mother to a new player. We are making some balancing changes in version 2.10.0, and I thought it might be interesting for some of you to know how the new algorithm will work. It can help you to increase or decrease your chances of becoming a mother in the game, depending on what you do.
Women will be fertile between ages 15-40. The lower age limit is raised from 14 to 15. Since Eve’s spawn at age 14, they will no longer have children during their first play minute.
There is a minimum time between two babies for the same woman. This “birth cool-down” is currently 2 minutes.
Eves under age 18 will have lower chances to get babies than normal. The probability factor is x1/4 at age 15, x1/2 at age 16, and x3/4 at age 17.
Together with #1 this will give new Eves a better chance of finding a good spot to settle before getting a lot of children, but there will still be some random variation.
Normal Eves (not reborn ones) from 18 years age, will have a factor x3 until their first baby is born and then x2 until they get a second baby. This is to give a better chance for new families to survive after the Eve dies. We also have to compensate a bit for #3 .
Women from 18 years age, will have a x2 factor until they have their first baby. (It seems fair that women with no babies should have a higher chance)
All women will get a factor between x1 and x2 depending on how high Yum bonus they have. The woman with the highest Yum bonus on the server will have a factor of x2 and the lowest will get factor x1.
So increase your Yum if you want children and keep it low if you don’t want any for the moment.
There will be a probability factor of x1/2 for women living in Reborn families (where the Eve was reborn in a developed area). It is easier for these families to survive and have more females with good Yum bonus, so it seems important to modify their chances, or they might get too many of the babies. In release 2.9.0, these women could not get normal babies at all (only reborn babies) so this is still a change to their benefit.
These factors are all multiplied together to determine the total chance for each woman to get a baby. The actual mother is determined randomly, but a higher total factor means a higher chance overall.
Starving, wounded or sick women don't get babies.
Child Gender
Child Gender
In general there is a 50/50 chance of girl and boy when a woman gives birth, but there will be some exceptions:
A girl is guaranteed if the woman already has at least one living son, but no living daughters.
A girl is guaranteed if the woman is older than 35 and has no living daughters.
A boy is guaranteed if the woman already has at least two living daughters, but no living sons.
So if your family needs girls, but you get a boy, just make sure the boy survives and you are guaranteed a girl next time.
Amount of Children / Birth Cooldown
Spawns and Respawn
Spawns explained
This is how it works: when Rebirth is used, you become a baby close to your Rebirth position if there is a mother available, otherwise you become an Eve.
When you don’t use Rebirth, you will not become a descendant to an Eve that was Reborn. You will be born normally, along the outskirts of the Eve spiral.
Why? Resources are more scarce inside the spiral, since people have already lived there. If you don’t use Rebirth yourself , you should not end up in a part of the used area that is someone else’s favorite spot.
Hope this makes sense?
Respawn rules
The old Eve Respawn feature doesn’t exist anymore, but on low population servers, you have the possibility of activating your own Rebirth Marker by living to 60 years age (this is only active when there are no women between ages 15-40 on the server, but you don’t have to be an Eve in order to use it).
Live to 60 years old only works if ...
If there are other players, then they can activate your Rebirth by burying your remains.
If there are no other players on the server (to be precise: if there are no females between ages 15 and 40), then living to 60 will be enough to activate your Rebirth. You don’t have to be an Eve - just live to 60.
Can i remove the marker without losing the spawn position?
Reactivation happens when your remains (bones) are properly buried, anywhere in the same world (server).
Once you have made a Rebirth Marker, the server will remember it forever. It doesn’t matter what happens with the home marker you used to make it.
Respawn explained
A new way to return to your favorite place on a public server
By placing a flower on a Home Marker, you will create a personal Rebirth Marker, which is permanent on that server. If you place a new Rebirth Marker on the same server, it will overwrite the previous one.
The Rebirth Marker has no effect if it is not activated, but when it is active, it will determine where you are born when you start a new game on the server:
if there is a suitable mother within a certain radius of your marker, you will be born as a baby to that woman.
if there is no suitable mother in the radius, you will spawn as an Eve a short distance away from your Rebirth Marker.
Your compass will start pointing at your rebirth marker, so you can easily find it if you like.
Your Rebirth Marker on a server becomes active when your own remains (bones) are properly buried, after having lived a life for at least 10 years on that server (no need to live to 60 ). The person burying your remains can either be another player, or yourself, playing a new life.
If you die before living for 10 years, or if no-one buries your remains, simply try again as many times as you like. You will never lose the marker, so you are always guaranteed to be able to find your way back eventually.
Your rebirth marker is deactivated when it is used, and has to be reactivated each time before you can use it again. You don’t have to place the marker again unless you want to move it to a different place, because it can be reactivated an unlimited number of times.
Create a grave
Changes to graves
To bury the bones of a player, you will first dig a hole (same as when digging a ditch), then put the bones in the hole and then fill the grave with dirt. Lastly, you place a flat rock as a head stone. (then you can decorate it if you like, using the same methods as before).
Digging a hole requires a shovel today, but in the future you will also be able to dig using a Stone Hoe and move Dirt using a Basket. A shovel is more convenient, but will no longer be necessary.
Unburied player bones will decay faster than previously, in about 20 minutes. No more endless bone yards…
Peace Lily petal
Rebirth doesn’t spawn you around your home marker, but around your rebirth position. You set this position by using a Peace Lily petal on a home marker. If you have not set it, you may be reborn around the map center instead. Fix this by setting your Rebirth Position.
Set or change Rebirth Position
Only fertile women 100 tiles from your rebirth position are considered
When you are being Reborn, only women in the range of 100 tiles from your Rebirth Position (which you set yourself any time you create a Rebirth Marker), will be eligible to be your mother. Other women are not considered. If that leaves no eligible women, you will become an Eve instead.
Eve spiral
Eve spawning spiral
We have been spawning new Eves in a growing spiral pattern. When the spirals grow too large, the chances of encountering previous civilizations become smaller. We are now going to make the spiral pattern a bit tighter. We will also start new, overlapping spirals whenever they grow over a certain size on a server, so the spawning patterns mix more. The idea is that it will be interesting to find the remains of an older town now and then. Servers with smaller populations will have smaller sized spirals and vice versa.
New eves spawn in an expanding spiral, so players will stop seeing these areas. At server restarts, parts of the map that no-one has seen for several days are cleaned up, so these inconsistencies will disappear soon.
As I recall, the check for a suitable mother uses a radius of one Eve Distance, while spawning as Eve uses half of that. Eve distance is set differently on different servers though. The default is 100.
Rekindle and Save line child
No-kids server have 4 spawn points and no eve spiral
There is a solutions for your unique problem, besides the obvious one (private server):
Go to the no-kids server and build your place well away from the spawning spots. No-one will find you there, since everyone spawns in the same spot (no spiral).
Murder, Kills and Weapons
Establish a no kill zone
Children can't pick up weapons
Snowball kills
Tap to switch mode
Marker inherited from your mother
Regarding the blue arrow, it probably points to the home marker inherited from your mother. If she doesn’t have one, it’s possible that it will point to map center instead. If so, that is a bug and will be fixed.
Yum Bonus
a yum and meh system on the food a player takes. I’d like to explain how it works to players who don’t know yet and show its visual presentation in the mobile version.
Basically the idea is to encourage player to take food as varying as possible. Everyone keeps a food chain on the server which records what foods one has taken in order. If you take a new kind of food which is not in the chain yet, it is considered to be a “yummy” food and gives you extra “yum bonus”. You can understand it as varying nutrition will do extra good to your health. This “yum bonus” serves as a second food bar. Your character consumes it first over the real food bar and as long as it is not empty your real food bar does not decrease.
If the food you take is already present in your food chain, it is considered “meh” and won’t give you any “yum bonus”. Your food chain also gets cleared and recount from this food. The longer your food chain is, which means you have taken more kinds of different food, the more yum bonus you can get from eating a different food. So eating a “meh” food not only gives zero bonus but also clear your bonus counter is something you’d better avoid.
From version v0.9.10 this system is visible to players in the mobile version. The “yum bonus” is shown in the form of +digit right next to the food bar.
This example shows I have one “yum bonus”.
The “yummy” or “meh” state of a food that we can take is displayed as an emoji icon in the information row next to the food name when you hold that food in hand.
When it’s yummy:
And when it’s meh:
Babies can carry baby bottle
Amount of honey from a beehive
No more need to stand around to protect one row of carrots for seeding. Once a carrot row has matured, water it a bit and it will become a row of Seeding Carrots, which can’t be picked until the seeds are matured. Time for maturing seeds has been lowered to 3 minutes. (If you don’t water them and no-one picks them, the carrots will still turn into seed after one hour).
instead of vanishing one by one like some mysterious spirit is slowly consuming your berries , all gooseberries will stay on the bush for 15 minutes. If they have not all been picked by then, the bush will turn brown and berries will disappear. (If you pick them all, the bush stays green). Bushes can’t become yellow, dead, or disappear. Therefore no more ugly looking farms.
And since we want to encourage players to pick berries, we made it faster and easier to pick. You can pick a full bowl of berries (6) in one action, if the domestic bush has 7 berries. Hope this helps everyone adjust to the new gooseberries game mechanics.
The Raspberry bushes can be dug up and replanted at home, but you can’t make more of them than you find in the wild. If you want 10 bushes at home, you have to go out and find 10 in the wild and dig them up.
Domesticated raspberry bushes yield more berries than the wild ones, but you have to water them once per season.
Decay of dyed clothes
Embroidery on clothes for private server owners
Griefer Banishment
Banish button
Banishing babies and babies banishing adults :
As you know. We have been having many mother’s trolling kids and babies being rude / running away for a while. Some players might find it entertaining and not a big deal, others find it breaking the game for them and ruining the fun.
Now you can cut ties with bad behaved adults in your family by using the Banish button before 5 years old. This will prevent you from being born to them or give birth to them again for 30 days.This doesn’t count as a real Banish vote and does not bring up a speech bubble so they won’t know what you have done.
Same goes the other way around, you can cut ties with badly behaved babies and toddlers under 5 years old.
Local Banishment
With release 2.15.0 comes a new addition to the Banishment logic. The intent is for a group of people who often play in the same location to be able to get rid of griefers who keep coming back to the same place, to sabotage.
Short explanation for how it will work:
We divide the world into a grid of squares, 100x100 tiles large.
When you place a Banishment Vote, that vote will live on inside its square for one month.
If there are three or more votes against the same player (but from different players) inside the same square, that player will not be able to enter that part of the map again, until the votes expire.
A locally Banished player will not get born, reborn or spawn as Eve inside a forbidden area.
If a player runs into a forbidden area, they will be teleported out.
As a bonus, if you have voted to banish a player, that player can not become your child or your mother, until your vote expires.
Global Banishment and Donkey Town will still exist too. One improvement over update 2.14.0 is that the same player can’t spam-vote the same player ID over and over again. If you have voted to banish someone, you can’t vote again on the same ID inside the same 100x100 square until your previous vote has expired.
Prevents a player from becoming your mother or child for 30 days
There’s been some discussions on our discord of players encountering run away babies, and mothers that name them bad names, which some players wish to be able to avoid meeting again.
Babies can’t banish or be banished, but it makes sense that they too should be able to use the feature which prevents a player from becoming your mother or child for 30 days. And it makes sense that other players should be able to use the feature on a baby that runs away.
So here’s what we will do:
If you are 5 years or younger, using the Banish button will only have the effect of making sure that the target player will not become your child or mother for 30 days. Using it will not count as a Banishment vote, and it will not cost you a vote either.
If you are older, but your target is 5 years or younger, the same rules apply.
If this works out well, we will consider removing the Mother’s Grief penalty (for when your baby dies). If this has a good effect on reducing reset marathons, we may also consider changing the Play Button cooldown-timer.
Banishment explained YT-Video
Babies’ bones can’t be used to banish
Action Log and Banishment in Absentia
2. Action Logging
The latest action a player does on a tile is stored and can be examined by other players, by using the tap-and-hold gesture. For example: if you see a dead sheep, you can tap-and-hold on it and see the ID of the player who killed it. If the same ID is responsible for killing all sheep, you have likely found a griefer, and may want to vote to Banish them.
3. Banishment in Absentia
If you have saved up to a Banishment Token (40 minutes of gameplay, unless you have recently been banished), then the Banish button will appear when you look at the action log for a tile (it will also appear when you have selected a player, but that’s not new). Using the button, you can give the player who performed the logged action a banish point (vote) even if they are not playing at the moment.
The idea is that this should give good players the tools to punish griefers and to reduce the damage they can do over time. Hopefully this will act as a deterrent for players who may otherwise become griefers.
We will continue to develop and balance anti-griefer measures, so good players can have the fun game you deserve!
Some examples of how the log can look:
No more runner Babies
Stop for "Reset Marathon"
To discourage people from performing several baby suicides in a row, we will impose a cool-down for starting many new games in a short time. The cool-down time will grow when many games are started quickly.
You can’t start life #2 less than 30 seconds after you started your latest life.
You can’t start life #3 less than 2 minutes after you started life #1 .
You can’t start life #4 less than 5 minutes after you started life #1 .
You can’t start life #5 less than 10 minutes after you started life #1 .
Most players will never realize that these limits are there, but it will hopefully become inconvenient to do reset marathons.
Baby Abandoning Consequences
Baby Abandoning Consequences
When a child dies before it’s 3 years old, its mother will become so sad that she loses 5 food. If it happens a second time to the same mother (in the same life), she will lose 10 food, then 15, 20, …
This change is supposed to discourage mothers from abandoning their babies. It’s also realistic that a mother would become weak with grief when losing a child…
Banish from observer mode
Curse Tokens
Some players make a habit of griefing, i.e. play the game in a way that sabotages it for others. The most obvious thing they do is to kill other players for no good reason, but there are many more ways you can sabotage for others.
The major benefit legitimate players have over these trolls, is their numbers. If several legitimate players identify a griefer, they should have a way to “ban” that person from playing with them.
We have adopted new language to make it more clear also to new players and players who don’t read forums what this button really does:
“Hope you get banished!” perhaps has less role play qualities than “Curse you!”, but it should be easier to understand with no pre-knowledge of the game, and the number of new players who try it out on innocent players should be less. Also, a curse could potentially have any effect, but the effect of a banishment is clearly one: the player gets exiled.
How it works
Two hours of play time will generate a Banish Token for a player. You can only have one at a time.
The player can use this token to give a Banish Point (BP) to a player they want to banish. You can think of this as one vote.
Observers can also use their banish token, if they have one. Time spent observing does not generate new banish tokens though.
Children under the age of 4 can’t use banishment tokens, and can’t be the target of one either.
A player who accumulates too many BPs too quickly, will be punished with Banishment for a certain time. This will instantly kill the banished player’s character, and when they start a new game they will spawn in the wilderness, far away from all non-banished players. The only way to be released from banishment is to play alone in the wilderness until the banishment time has been served.
A player who receives 3 BP in the same life, will die and get banned from their family, even if they don’t have enough BP to get banished to the wilderness. In this case they can start a new normal life, but should be very careful to not accumulate any more BPs for a long time.
Acquiring a few BPs over long play time is not a problem, but getting many in short play time will trigger a banishment.
If a player has recently come back from banishment, they are on probation, and fewer BPs are needed to trigger a new and longer banishment. Several recent banishments will lower the limit further. For an unpunished player, roughly one BP per play hour is ok, but more than that is dangerous.
Balancing the system
We have built the new system in a way were we can easily change the weights without having to update the app or game servers. If there are signs showing that the parameters are too loose or tight, we can fix that quickly. Feel free to send feedback that can help us achieve a good balance.
The punishment will increase for griefers
Do griefers get the same amount of curse tokens?
“Bad” players will now have much less power to banish other players.
We have just deployed a new improvement to the banishment system today. It’s effect will be similar to what was described in #6 in the original post, but it’s actually implemented a bit differently:
Players who have had no recent punishment (trip to Donkey Town), generate banish points at normal speed (currently 1 per 40 minutes of gameplay)
Players who have been to Donkey Town recently, will generate banish points slower. Single time offenders generate 3x slower, double offenders 9x slower, triple offenders 27x slower, …
Playing for a long time without getting a new trip to Donkey Town, will result in one offense being forgiven in this calculation. It makes sense that if you regret your actions (or were sent to DT by mistake), you will eventually be considered a “good” player again.
Note also that we recently fixed an exploit some players were using, where they could log play time faster by starting several lives at the same time on different servers. You can no longer fool the system that way.
B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 – how does it work?
Let me give you guys a quick refresher for how the Banishment system works:
The higher B number you have, the fewer votes it will take to send you back to Donkey Town.
Right after you come back from Donkey Town, you are on probation. If you get two more votes during the first two hours, you will go back to Donkey Town for another round.
This means two things:
When you have just been to DT, make damn sure that you don’t alienate any more players in the first couple of hours.
Seeing that someone has a B number does not mean that you should vote to banish that person for that reason only. They have served time already and are now on probation. If they mess up - feel free to Banish them, but if they try their best, let them move on with a lesson learned, and give them a chance to reduce their B number.
In the example of someone moving from B0 to B3, this is the fastest way that can happen:
Get Banish Votes from 5 different players within only 2 hours of gameplay
Go to DT for 30 minutes
Get out and then get 2 BV from 2 additional players (not the same as the 5 above) within 2 play hours
Go to DT for 60 minutes
Get out and then get 2 BV from 2 new players again (not the same players as the 7 above) within 2 play hours.
For this to happen, I think it’s safe to say that either the player doesn’t care much about their behavior, or they have to be unlucky about what other players they meet. It’s the second situation I am worried about. It’s good that the discussion happens, and people become aware that they should only punish actions they can see. The B number is there so you can be more watchful of some players - not for you to auto-banish other players who may be trying to improve.
Note also that the B number will decrease over time - but the timer restarts if you get sent back to Donkey Town.
To find yourself in the situation you describe (3 hours banishment) , you must at least have lived 4 separate lives where several people decided to banish you each time, and you must have been to Donkey Town 4 times.
Donkey Town
Donkey Town is a euphemism for where you go when you have been acting dumb. Usually it is not one specific place, but just “away from un-cursed players”. In some of our weekend events, we made Donkey Town a specific place on the map though (mostly for fun).
Map clean-up
Map clean-up time is 30 days
The Map is cleaned-up, if no player visited
How mines work
We are rolling out an update on the servers (no need to update the app on your phones). Here are the changes:
Small Mines
bugfix: Taking an empty basket from the mine was counting as a use of the mine before. Now it doesn’t.
bugfix: Some Mining Picks didn’t work with new mines. Now they should all work on all mines.
interaction: You can now switch an empty basket for the full basket in one action. If two players collaborate at the mine, this will make things more efficient.
spawn chance: we have doubled the chance of Iron Veins appearing in the rocky biome. Spend less time searching for a vein and use the time for extracting the ore instead.
resources: increased the average number of Ore you get from a small mine from 21 to 27.7, of which 21.6 will be Iron Ore.
Before update 2.19, the average was 21 Iron Ore and no other Ores.
Large Mines:
Reduced the risk of collapsing a mine with explosives from 1/5 to 1/7.
Once the mine is built, track kits will only need to be added after blasting explosives.
Average number of ore carts per explosion is now 4 (with 6 Ore in each).
Increased Iron Ore ratio from 70% to 78%
A collapsed mine will eventually become an empty cave again. This will take on average 2 weeks, but can happen in 1/2 week at the quickest.
This means that the average number of Ore from one Mine before it collapses will be 147, out of which 115 are Iron Ores and 32 are other types.
On average 7 Explosives, 7 Track Carts and 7 Track Kits will be used, and 3.7 Mining Picks will break per Mine.
Tip: previously there was no real advantage to collaborating when working at a mine. That has changed with update 2.19.0. Two players should be able to extract ore much faster than a single player now. Try it!
By the way: in the next update we will make it possible to find Gold in the mines…
Re-melted into steel ingots
Decay of Stone Walls
Decay Mechanism
Ruins - New Decay Mechanism
We will implement a probabilistic way for long-lasting objects to decay. This means that the longer time that has passed since the latest player was visiting a town, the higher probability that things have decayed when a new player visits. This should make it possible to discover interesting ruins in old towns, where some parts of buildings have decayed, but others are still standing, etc. We intend to try it out with stone walls first, but then things like baskets and clothes could also get a probability to “survive” longer periods of time.
Glass Jar. A general container for smaller items. It fits six small items and does not decay.
Seeds, fruits, worms, and other smallish stuff that you may want to organize better. And it fits twice the number of items compared to a basket
Piles and Stacks
Many bowls with items can be emptied on the ground with a wooden tong
Bowl of Lapis Lazuli
Bowl of Cinnabar
Bowl of Glasswort Ashes
Bowl of Iron Filings
Bowl of Rabbit
Bowl of Wheat
Crucible with Iron
Crucible with Charcoal
Crucible with Calamine
Crucible with Malachite
Crucible with Scrap Steel
Crucible with Calamine and Charcoal
Crucible with Malachite and Charcoal
New Crocks added
Crock with Plaster
Crock with Sulfur
Crock with Butter
Crock with Salt Water
Crock with Baked Potatoes
Crock with Worms
Crock with Skinned Rabbits
Crock with Lapis Lazuli
Crock with Cinnabar
Crock with Wood Shavings
New Piles added
Calamine Pile
Malachite Pile
Scrap Steel Pile
Sharp Stone Pile
Garland Pile
New Stacks added
Stack of Copper
Stack of Zinc
Stack of Limestone
Stack of Crocks
Stack of Rabbits
Some piles/stacks can be handled with both bowl and empty hand
Calamine Pile
Malachite Pile
Scrap Steel Pile
Stack of Copper
Stack of Zinc
Stack of Limestone
Stack of Steel Ingots
Stack of Wrought Iron
Crucibles with multiple items can be used with piles of either items
Crucible with Iron and Charcoal
Crucible with Calamine and Charcoal
Crucible with Malachite and Charcoal
it means Stack of Clay Bowls, Stack of Large Clay Bowls, Stack of Clay Pans, Stack of Large Clay Plates, Stack of Clay Plates
Bowls, plates and baskets are now stackable.
Kindling can be put in piles.
By putting a lid on a crock you will get a container that can be used to store up to five items or bowls of stuff. For instance, putting a carrot in a Crock with Lid, turns it into a “Container of Carrots”, which can hold up to 5 carrots.
Here is a list of Container types:
Container of Carrots
Container of Bananas
Container of Mangoes
Container of Potatoes
Container of Dried Corn
Container of Cactus Fruits
Container of Burdock Roots
Container of Salt
Container of Wheat
Container of Palm Oil
Container of Palm Wax
Container of Flour
Container of Corn Kernels
Container of Gooseberries
Container of Dry Beans
Container of Palm Kernels
Container of Eggs
Container of Rice Seeds
Container of Peeled Rice
Container of Dung
How long do dogs live?
Loyal Dogs
Making a new friend / 新しい友達を作ろう
All puppies now have one favorite food, which depends on its breed. If you figure out what that is and give it to them you will have gained a loyal companion that will follow you for the rest of its life.
An extra button, the Command Button , will appear at the bottom of the screen to indicate that you now have a companion.
In addition to this you can now use the naming button to provide a name for your new friend.
What all owners of loyal puppies should know
Just like you, your new friend gets hungry over time. Tapping on your dog will display its current energy level. As a puppy it quickly gets tired but as it gets older it can keep going for a lot longer. Sitting still does not consume much energy but eagerly following your every command will make quick use of it! If the energy drops to zero your pet cannot do anything but waiting for you to give it some food. It can eat anything you can!
Command Menu
Tapping on the Command Button will show a list of the current commands that your companion will respond to. The list will change depending on the dog’s breed and its current energy level.
Special Abilities
Some dogs have have special abilities, depending on their breed. The list below contains a description of the currently available abilities.
Protect - Your loyal dog will bravely run in front of harmful animals! Unfortunately this has consequences and the wounds received during this selfless act will greatly shorten its life.
Hunt Rabbit - Command your dog fetch you a rabbit and it will rush to the nearest rabbit hole to try to catch a rabbit. If there are no rabbit holes nearby your friend will assume that you were temporarily confused and not do anything.
For an ability to show up on the command menu your dog must both be of the proper breed and have enough energy to perform the ability.
Growing Old and Dying / 老化と死
All good things come to an end and that is true for your loyal dog as well. When its time comes, the Command Button will be grayed out and interactions are no longer possible. After a brief period of grieving over your lost friend the Command Button will fade away and you are free to find a new friend to keep you company on your next adventure.
Protect and Hunt
Puppies won’t be able to protect you - only the larger adult dogs.
One dog breed will be able to hunt rabbits, btw.
You also have to feed your dog to give it energy to run around.
Healing your injured dog makes sense, and so does burying your dog when it dies (from wounds or high age). These abilities will not be there in the first release, but we intend to launch them later.
Remove Blueberries and find treasure
Congrats to all dog lovers: the Schnauzer will have treasure finding abilities in the next upcoming release!
Take your schnauzer on a walk in the woods (same biome as the bear caves) and ask it to search for treasure. It will sniff around until it finds something interesting and will then mark the spot so you know where to dig. Bring a shovel with you, to use for the digging.
It will mostly find small items, but if you are very lucky you may uncover a new iron vein!!!
Bear caves
How to mount a bear
Get Honey Bees and make honey
Make a full crock of honey, i.e. a crock that holds 5 x honey
Feed the full crock to a bear, then wait for it to finish eating.
As soon as it is finished eating, click on the bear to mount it.
How to control a bear
When you meet a bear in the game, this is the usual outcome
But what if the beast could be mastered, and controlled
Think of the possibilities: You could go for a ride in the wild country on your bear.
A wild boar would be no match for your noble beast
If your village needs meat, just get a mouflon
Transporting it home could not get easier than this
Bears are good at catching fish.
Actually, they are very, very good at catching fish
But bears are not harmless pets. In the end, this is probably still the likely outcome
NPC’s (non-player character)
Ammalon the traveling merchant
Private Servers
Choose which region to start your private server
Adjustments to private servers:
You can choose which region to start your private server: Auto, America, Asia, Europe
Note! This choice is made in the main settings - not in the per server settings
Private Server Setting
Among other things, we are currently working on some additional features for the private servers. Here are some things we will try to make happen in the next couple of updates:
Ability to wipe your private world and start fresh.
Ability to invalidate your invitation link and create a new one. People without the new link won’t be able to play on your server anymore. (only Friends servers)
Settings for speed of Hunger.
Settings for cleaning up parts of the map that no-one has been looking at for a while.
Settings for Decay time of long-life things like clothes, baskets, bell towers, etc. (This is currently hardcoded to Normal on Friends servers and 12xNormal on Solo servers).
Option to make all players spawn as adults, instead of Eves+babies. (only Friends servers)
Be able to run some of our Weekend Events on your private server, whenever you like. While you use this feature, your normal game map will be saved and then restored once you decide to stop playing the event. You won’t lose any of your work.
While we do this work, we’ll likely make some other smaller improvements too, like we usually do.
Note that your server must be turned off before you can change any of these settings. We have changed the ON button into an ON/OFF button, so you can turn it off yourself.
We wish to give you more personal control over the servers you rent, and more ways to have fun with them. That’s why we have undertaken this work.
// The Team
Decay Settings
Fit up to 20 players
Spawn around your marker
Private Friends Server and Solo Play Server
Private Friends Server
An owner of a Private Friends Server has to pick a name for the server on the first activation. Then they can create an invitation link and send out to the people they wish to invite to play. There is no limit on how many people you can send the invitation link to, but only ten players can join you at the same time and you can’t un-invite people, so be careful about your invitations.
The server has to be activated before people can play on it. The owner or an invited player who also owns a Private Friends Server can do this.
On the Private Server, the birth cool down is canceled, to make it easier for everyone to join the same family. Eve spawns follow a spiral, but living to 60 while being an Eve gives you a respawn at your death position.
The server shuts down five minutes after the owner leaves, unless a different owner of a Private Friends Server is playing on it. On shutdown, the state of the map is stored so it can be loaded back in next time the server gets activated. This both allows us to backup your map and enables us to keep the price lower than if we kept the server running 24/7.
Accepting an invite is as simple as clicking the invitation link on your device. This will start the app and register you as a player on the server in question. This adds the server to your list in the private server window. Any time it’s active, you can choose to play on it. If you also have rented a private friends server, you can also activate other servers that are in your list in case you wish to play on a different one than yours.
Solo Play Server
This is for solo play only. You can use it to try things out or to make your perfect garden or city, then extend it as much as you like. You still have to grow food to stay alive as you work on your masterpiece, allowing yourself to die and respawn all the time is not a smart strategy. You will spawn as a male or female adult on a slowly widening spiral, and living past 55 (not the usual 60) earns you a respawn to your last death location. Also, the Home Marker will be permanent across life and death on a Solo Play Server, so you will always be able to find your way back to it if you want to.
There will be two types of private servers initially:
Solo, where it is just you, building your own dream settlement or experimenting with things. When you log off, we will store your map data for you until you want to play next time.
Friends, where the owner can send an invitation link to others and about 10 people can play at the same time (exact max number not decided yet). This will be more like the regular game, except you always spawn together (though in different places over multiple sessions, like Eve spiral in normal game). The owner starts up the server before people can join, and it will shut down automatically and store the map some time after the owner stops playing. This option will cost more than the solo one (but you will have to wait a bit longer for actual numbers).
Later, we expect to also have a large server option for people who want to invite a large number of players. Live streamers may want to have this option, but most players will not need it.
The payment will be per 30 days.
If there is demand for it, maybe we can do a $1 trial for the solo version, so you can test it for a few days and see if you like it, without paying for 30 days.
No official explantation yet
Why can some animals leave the biome they are in and some can't
Endblock and Dark Nosaj
Kills by arrow with note
Tombstone is the trigger for the respawn
There are foods that can get burnt (rabbit, omlettes and goose on skewer)
How do bee nests appear
How fast is walking, riding, driving and walking with stone
How much time to treat a wound
How long does it take for all colors of roses (each stage 1h?)
How long does it take until Bones despawn
How long does it take until a rabbit hole with/without baby rabbit regenerates
How long does it take until a belltower row settles (each stage 3h?)
How many buckets of water does a cistern hold (10 buckets?)
How long does a tree stump stay around for killing a goose
This is terrific!! Thank you!
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