The End of Days

These were the last images from my latest civ. As is so often the case in low population servers I was the last of my line alive. But unusually I had company in the end of days. I never saw another player outside of my lineage, but I was never lonely except at the very end.
I began my life as a little boy named Robert. Me and my brother Eric plowed the farm as normal and I spent my youth catching rabbits so we could all be clothed. But this venture was only partially successful, for everything stopped when my mother Hope became infertile. However at least me and my Eric, the last two survivors, both had a backpack and loincloth each to conceal our manhood. When our mom died and after we had buried her at the end of the long row of our now dead kin, me and Eric decided to commemorate our fallen family. So we built a monument. It took a while but the nearby swamps were perfect for adobe collection and Eric was a wizard with the forge. Soon our final masterpiece was complete. And then, sure as luck would have it, we heard a bell ring from far away when we were both in our 40s. Saying goodbye to our old home me and Eric, being the adventurous bro force that we had become, decided to take the leap and travel to the bell. I suspect that this was Kapugen, that being the current city of choice these days on Europe 2. But despite all our efforts we were just too old. Once Eric starved and I was 59 years old I decided that the basic camp we had found would have to do for our final resting place. I watched my brothers corpse, said something dramatic, and died.
So was the end of our line.
If you read this mom, Eric, Uncle Harry or anyone please leave a reply at the bottom. It was excellent playing with you all, and I hope our efforts were enough to secure a fitting end for the family.


Such a sad story…