What's cooking in the developers' kitchen? / 開発チームは今何を?

I have seen a lot of nice suggestions for the game lately. It inspires us, even if the results sometimes take long before they show up. A tip is to give likes to the suggestions you think are the very best and would make most difference to you.

I thought I’d share some of what’s going on, so you have something to look forward to (you will see that some are answers to your requests):

Very soon:

  • The backgrounds are getting a new update with improvements according to many of your wishes.
  • Map reset on the servers. After this, animals and other natural objects will appear only in the correct biomes. If you see an exception to this rule, it’s a rare Easter Egg :wink:
  • Two new characters will show up soon.
  • The tutorial will be replaced with a “mobile only” version, which is much shorter than the current one. It mostly teaches about the controls and the naturally occurring food items.
    (This means it is time to say goodbye to “Tutorial Town”)
  • Four different solo training servers will show up. Newbies can practice making a fire, and others can improve their skills at cooking, farming and blacksmithing.


  • Tools for killing mosquitos (working on the design now)
  • Better tech for keeping fire alive in your villages. Less work starting new fires, if you use it. (working on the design now)
  • New food items to grow and cook

Fairly soon:

  • The much-awaited Private Servers, both for solo playing and playing with invited friends. (sorry this has taken so long, we keep getting interrupted by firefighting and stuff)






  • 皆さんのご要望に沿って改良した新しい背景
  • サーバーのマップのリセット:この後は動物や自然の物が正しいバイオームに配置されます。もしそのルールから外れた配置を見かけたら、とても稀なことです :wink:
  • 新しいキャラクター2種
  • チュートリアルを「モバイル版独自」のものに変更:これまでのものよりずっと短くなります。主に操作方法と自然にある食べ物についてを学べる内容です。
  • 4種のソロトレーニングサーバーを設置:初心者の方が火を起こす練習をしたり、どなたも料理や農業、鍛冶のスキルを磨いたりしていただけます。


  • 蚊を退治するアイテム(現在デザイン段階)
  • 村に火を維持するためのより良い技術:火起こしをもっと簡単にする(現在デザイン段階)
  • 新しい食べ物の育成と料理法


  • お待ちかねのプライベートサーバーの設置:ソロプレイとフレンド招待が可能(また時間がかかってしまっていて本当にすみません。急な問題解決などに手を取られてしまい…)


I got sick and I’m off school and its Thursday for me so yayayayy

I can’t wait! These are all great additions to the game.

Mosquito spray? :thinking:

We’re still somewhat primitive, maybe a fan to shoo mosquitoes 10ish tiles away… or just squish them with something. I’m sure you are going to make something great :slight_smile:

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Not too primitive.

Simply add a repellent that u burn and it repeals them away from the village, but that might cause issues with them grouping up on the edges of biomes.

Lol i jist imagined a three mosquito thick wall all along a border of a biom lmao

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That’s an issue without any repellent already. I thought a cool down time after getting yellow fever was just enough to not add anything or make things to complicated. Like a natural immunity for a decade or something like that after you recover from the fever.


What’s cooking, part 2

This is cooking:

Ramen noodles in soup, with or without egg halves. Sound delicious?


Oh. My. God. Our own asian food because thats the theme of YAH?
This must get new players! Thats awesome!
Cant wait for some new characters to, i am making my own to…


I love it😍 when are they gonna be implemented?

Yas there is hope! We will have new stuff ily!


I am looking forward to it


What’s cooking, part 3:


Will the light attract the mosquitoes into the flames? If so, in what radius?

Damn, those pixels.

We need American food next, then French food, then Italian food, then Mexican food, then… uh…

Not sure if thats fits the asian theme of YAH, but i want that to :joy: