Wumboville - The Town That Took Over Europe-2

About two hours ago, I spawned in as an Eve and used the Eve spiral to find an abandoned camp. Maybe I’d even find other people! After a few minutes of running, I found a deserted little setup. There were ponds right next to it, and it appeared someone had attempted to start a farm near those ponds, but had died before they could complete it. There was an incomplete kiln, a stone hoe, and not much else. I got to work finishing the kiln and working on the farm. I had a baby girl, who I named Bronzette. I explored South and discovered iron heaven. I cannot tell you how much iron there was. I also found an iron vein which I dug later on, but never got to make a stanchion kit to finish it. At the same time, I wanted to learn how to smith, and I tried but yet again couldn’t finish because of a baby boom (tons of grandchildren were being born). We happened to have enough food and some of the babies knew how to smith. Minutes later, @Maengish is born to me. I couldn’t believe it! With her, the town was so successful! I couldn’t have done it without her! There was around 15 people in the town, and we were very quickly climbing the tech tree. I ended up dying but used the Eve respawn to come back. I also had Sandra, who was a hard worker that died of old age when the town hit rock bottom. I continued to contribute for the rest of that life and died. Attempted to respawn as an Eve, spawned back in Wumboville, died, spawned back in Wumboville, died, spawned back in Wumboville, died, spawned back in Wumboville, died, spawned back in Wumboville, died, spawned back in Wumboville, died, spawned back in Wumboville, died, spawned back in Wumboville, died, spawned back in Wumboville, died, spawned back in Wumboville, died, spawned back in Wumboville, died, spawned back in Wumboville, died, spawned back in Wumboville, died, spawned back in Wumboville, died, spawned back in Wumboville, died, spawned back in Wumboville, UGGGGGHHHH… there was quite literally nobody else on Europe-2 that wasn’t in my town. I felt so proud, yet so sad that my Eve spawn reset. My own town was the end of me! Shortly after that, a child lead a bear into the village. People were being eaten alive, babies were starving, and the town had fallen apart. The last survivor died holding a basket of berries…

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