New Game in 2021 / 2021年新ゲーム登場 iOS, Android, PC

Yes, it is time to do something big. While we love You are Hope, we have long dreamt of a game that simply won’t fit in the YaH mold. So we started from scratch again and have been working on this project in secret since 2019, first a little bit, then increased the effort more and more. There is still a lot of work left until we feel that it’s good enough, but we have gotten far enough to be sure that our vision holds water and that we will succeed in making it happen.

さて、そろそろ何か大きな変化が欲しい時。「あなたは希望です You are Hope」を我々も愛していますが、これまでの形に当てはまらないものたちを実現したいと願って来ました。そんな訳で2019年から秘密裏に、新しいゲームを最初から作り直すことに取り掛かり、初めは少しずつ、そしてその作業をどんどんと大きくして来ました。まだ完成までにはたくさんの作業が残っていますが、ここに来てこのプロジェクトが現実となる確信ができました。

A similarity with YaH will be the cute characters (though with thicker arms and legs) and that a life span has a start and an end. There will also be a vast tech tree, though not the same as in YaH. In fact, the tech trees will not be the same on a tropical island, as on an island in a temperate or polar climate zone. The tech tree will not be constrained to the A+B=>C+D formula though. We will have the freedom to go beyond that.

ユーアーホープ(以下ゆあほぷと略)と似ている部分は、かわいいキャラクターたち(こちらには手足がしっかりありますが)が有限の人生を持つことです。そして膨大な技術のツリーもありますが、こちらはゆあほぷのものとは違います。新しいものは、熱帯、雪原、過ごしやすい場所と、それぞれに技術が異なっているのです。これまでの、A+B => C+D のような形に縛られず、もっと自由に創作ができるようになります。

(amazing, I can hold both Flint and Pyrite at the same time!)

There will also be a lot of new mechanics that don’t exist in YaH, but we will not reveal all at once. Suffice to say that the learning curve will be much easier on new players, but the challenge to experienced players will increase a lot further, so the game will offer more variation and you won’t be “finished” just because you have created an advanced city. Even death may not be an absolute end anymore… maybe there is a way to reconnect to earlier lives…?


(this looks mysterious!)

We have chosen a mix of 2D and 3D art for the new game. A great game deserves a great appearance, don’t you think?


The game will be multiplayer and multi platform, so you can use PC or mobile devices to play on the same servers. The game controls will be the biggest difference between the platforms. (The PC game controls will of course be new, but so will the touch controls - we are doing something different than the “swipe to object” control you know from YaH).

Finally: we will not stop updating YaH, but we will stick mostly to content updates and bug fixes there in the future. Work on new game mechanics will mostly happen in the new game. YaH remains a really good game, so please keep enjoying it!

// The Team





I have a question, will this new game be as censored as YaH? As in, will the bodies look like barbies or people?

The graphics are all new for this game, including the character bodies, but we will include the hair and faces of some of the beloved characters in YaH (the DualDecade ones). There will not be any genitals showing, if that’s what you’re asking.

I can also add that this game is not set on Earth, so while the characters are people, they are not necessarily humans…


It looks beautiful! I love the camera angle, reminds me of animal crossing haha.

One question - will the purchase system be the same? Right now the structure is pay to purchase the game, with optional in-app purchases for extra features like private servers. Will it be similar in the new game?


Wow!!! That are great news! Can’t wait to play it! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Will the skin tones, face types, and hair types vary more than in Yeah?

Also, by a lifespan that has a start and end, what do you mean, can you clarify that?

(Camping by the sea shore)


What store will the PC version be on? On the PC version, will you have an option to switch between PC controls and touch controls for Windows tablets?

Will the tech tree follow a certain path (primitive to futuristic)?

맞아요!! 큰일이 있어요. 우리는 유아홉을 사랑하고 있지만 오랫동안 유아홉의 틀 속에 끼워지지 않는 게임을 꿈꿔왔어요. 그래서 우리는 다시 그리기 시작했고 2019년도부터 비밀 프로젝트를 진행하고 있었어요. 처음엔 아주 조금이었는데 점점 더 할일이 많아지고 있어요. 여전히 우리가 충분하다고 느낄 수준이 될때까지는 분명히 많은 작업이 남아있어요. 그렇지만 우리의 비전이 옳다고 생각하고 그것을 만들어나갈 것이예요.

[새로운 게임은] 유아홉과 비교하면 귀여운 캐릭터는 비슷해요 (통통한 팔과 다리를 가졌죠). 그리고 삶의 시작과 끝이 있다는 것도 여전히 비슷해요. 유아홉과 똑같지는 않지만 방대한 테크 트리도 있을거예요. 사실, 온도와 기후에 따라서 온대섬이 열대섬이나 극지방섬이랑 테크트리가 완전히 똑같지는 않아요. 테크트리가 A+B → C+D 와 같은 공식에 제한되지 않을거예요. 우리는 공식을 넘어선 자유를 갖게 될거예요.

(대박! 부싯돌과 철을 한번에 잡을 수 있어요!)

이전 유아홉에는 없던 새로운 일들이 많을거예요. 하지만 쉿! 아직은 비밀로 남겨둘께요. 신규 플레이어에게는 훨씬 더 쉽게 학습될 것이지만, 숙련자[고인물]에게도 도전할것이 더 늘어날거예요. 그래서 이 게임 속에서 더 많은 변형을 제공 받을것이고, 단지 진보한 도시를 만들었다는 이유만으로 "끝"이 되지 않을꺼예요. 심지어 죽음조차도 더이상 영원한 끝은 아닐거예요… 아마도 이전의 삶과 다시 연결될 수 있는 방법이 있을까요…?

(여긴 아무래도 미스테리 같아요!)

우리는 새로운 게임을 위해 2D와 3D를 섞기로 했어요. 최고의 게임은 최고의 모습을 보여야죠, 그쵸?

이 게임은 멀티플레이와 멀티플랫폼을 지원할거예요. 그러면 컴퓨터와 휴대폰에서 같은 서버에서 게임할 수 있어요. 컨트롤은 컴퓨터와 휴대폰 사이에서 크게 차이날거예요. (컴퓨터로 하는 컨트롤은 터치[클릭] 컨트롤로 당연히 새롭기에 기존 유아홉에서 물건을 스와이프[눌러서 밀기] 하던것과는 조금 다르게 만드는 중이예요)

마지막으로, 저희는 유아홉 업데이트를 멈추지 않을것이예요. 그러나 대부분의 컨텐츠 업데이트와 버그 수정은 나중에 할거예요. 새로운 게임 메커니즘 작업[개발]은 새로운 게임에서 진행될거예요. 유아홉은 정말 좋은 게임으로 남을거예요. 그러니 부디 계속 즐겨주세요.

// 팀 (듀데케)


Wow this is amazing!! I can’t wait to see this! It reminds me a lot of Don’t Starve, especially with the magical elements and graphics. I’m sure this will be amazing :smiley:

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Deutsche Übersetzung

Es ist Zeit um grosse Dinge zu tun! Wir lieben «You are Hope», aber wir träumen schon lange von einem Spiel, dass im «You are Hope» Rahmen so nicht umsetzbar ist. Also haben wir von Grund auf neu begonnen und arbeiten seit 2019 an einem geheimen Projekt. Zu Beginn nur ab und zu, dann steigerten wir unsere Anstrengungen immer mehr und mehr. Es bleibt noch viel zu tun, bis wir ein zufriedenstellendes Niveau erreicht haben. Aber wir sind genügend weit gekommen um zu wissen, dass unsere Vision hält was sie verspricht und wir damit Erfolg haben werden.

Eine Ähnlichkeit zu «You are Hope» sind die süssen Charaktere (aber mit dickeren Armen und Beinen) sowie die Lebzeit im Spiel wird einen Beginn und ein Ende haben. Es wird auch einen riesigen Technologiebaum geben, aber nicht derselbe wie in «You are Hope». Offensichtlich wird der Technologiebaum anders sein auf einer tropischen Inseln oder in einer polaren Klimazone. Der Technologiebaum wird nicht auf die Formel A + B → C + D beschränkt sein. Wir werden die Freiheit haben weit darüberhinaus zu gehen.

(Grossartig! Ich kann gleichzeitig einen Feuerstein und Eisen halten!)

Es wird auch viele neue Spielmechaniken geben, die in «You are Hope» nicht existieren, aber wir werden nicht alle auf einmal verraten. Es reicht aus zu sagen, dass die Lernkurve einfacher sein wird für neue Spieler und für erfahrene Spieler die Herausforderung viel grösser sein wird. Das Spiel wird eine grössere Variation bieten und du wirst nicht «fertig» sein, nach dem du eine fortgeschrittene Stadt gebaut hast. Selbst der Tod wird kein absolutes Ende mehr sein… vielleicht gibt es die Möglichkeit, sich mit früheren Leben zu verbinden…?

(Das sieht mysteriös aus!)

Wir haben einen Design-Mix aus 2D und 3D für das neues Spiel ausgewählt. Ein grossartiges Spiel verdient ein grossartiges Aussehen, oder?

Das neue Spiel unterstützt Multiplayer und kann auf verschiedenen Plattformen gespielt werden. Du kannst also auf Computern, Tablets oder Smartphones auf den selben Servern spielen. Die Steuerung wird der grösste Unterschied sein zwischen den Plattformen. (Die Computersteuerung wird neu sein aber auch die Berührungssteuerung auf mobilen Geräten. Wir werden etwas anderes verwenden als die Swipe-Steuerung die du bereits von «You are Hope» kennst.)

Zu guter Letzt: werden wir nicht aufhören «You are Hope» zu aktualisieren. Aber in Zukunft werden es vor allem inhaltliche Aktualisierungen sein und Fehlerkorrekturen. Die Entwicklung neuer Spielmechaniken werden mehrheitlich fürs neue Spiel geplant sein. «You are Hope» bleibt weiterhin ein wirklich gutes Spiel, also bitte geniesst es.


This looks incredible, I’m so excited to try this!


I don’t wanna buy another game, so can I have the game for free when it releases since I bought YAH

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Are you kidding? I really hope this is a joke, thats like saying “i bought a sandwich yesterday, i really dont wanna buy another sandwich, can i just get free sandwiches for the rest of my life?”


We have launched the Steam page for In Next Life today:

If you want to participate in the play test of the Alpha version, you can request access on that page.
It is also possible to Wishlist the game now, which will help increase exposure for the game on Steam.




Only on PC?

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We decided to focus on releasing one platform at a time. Mobile will follow a while after the PC version is released.

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