The civilization in You are Hope has now advanced to the stage where there is technology for increasing or decreasing fertility (for female characters - all males are still sterile )
It turns out that ground carrot seeds have traditionally been used as a birth control substance. So we will add that to the game. If you eat it, you can’t get children again until you drink some fertility tea.
Edit: Note that you can’t feed this to another player
Yellow fever will also make you infertile, but only for 5 minutes. This effect is stackable. Fertility tea will cure the effect.
There will also be a new fertility tea that you can drink, to restore or increase fertility. This effect is also stackable and will remain until a baby is born. The effect resets after birth (fertility becomes normal). If you want better chances of having more kids you can start drinking fertility tea again after having a baby.
These additions should make it possible for Eves to plan when they want to start families, or for starving families to reduce new births until there is more food available. There will be no reason for leaving a child to starve anymore!
You may sometimes have experienced the situation when there is only one fertile woman left in your family, but that player is AFK? For every bowl of fertility tea that you feed such a character, its fertility will increase and the chances of getting the next baby player will improve.
Does this sound like a good addition to the game? Your feedback is welcome!
あなたは希望です You are Hope の文明は出生を増減させる技術のある段階までやって来ました(女性キャラクターのみで、男性にはまだ出生に関する機能はありませんが )